I find myself at the intersection of two exciting disciplines, educational technology and information science, that complement my personal interests of ‘staying curious’ and ‘keeping an open mind.’

Anjum Najmi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator

  • Faculty
Higher Education and Learning Technologies
Contact Anjum
Young Education North 124
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Higher Education and Learning Technologies

A Conversation with Dr. Najmi

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending A&M-Commerce?

Coursework is rigorous and learning is collaborative. Our students bond together to share their knowledge, professional experiences and practices. They connect what they learn with practice through real-world internship experiences and create an ePortfolio to showcase their ability to design technology-supported learning. Caring faculty help you progress through the program.

What draws you to your discipline?

I find myself at the intersection of two exciting disciplines, educational technology and information science, that complement my personal interests of “staying curious” and “keeping an open mind.” Technology offers the tools and techniques to transform the way we learn while information science is the knowledge base. Together they offer endless possibilities to design creative and meaningful learning activities and spaces.

What has been your favorite course to teach?

I enjoy teaching all of my classes but the one that stands out most is the capstone class in which students develop and design their ePortfolio. As we learn with each other, students actively engage in discussion to receive feedback from peers and validate their own work and ideas!

Educational Background

Research Interests

  • Learner driven activities and spaces
  • Teaching-learning practices and design processes
  • Technology integration and information literacy

Professional Organizations

Selected Publications

Grayburn, J., Ikeshoji-Orlati, V., Najmi, A., and Perot, J. (2017). Shiny Things: 3D Printing and Pedagogy in the Library. In Maclachlan, J. C., Reeves, J. E., and Williford, Christa. (Eds.), A Splendid Torch: Learning and Teaching in Today’s Academic Libraries. CLIR Publication No. 174.

Warren, S. J., Lee, Jennifer., & Najmi, A. (2013). The impact of technology and theory on instructional design since 2000. In Spector, M. S., Merrill, D. M., Elen, J., & Bishop, M. J. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology, Springer Academic. doi: 10.4018/978-1- 4666-2848-9.

Najmi, A., & Lee, J. (2009). Making a Difference with Mobile Learning in the Classroom. Distance Learning Technology, Current Instruction, and the Future of Education: Applications of Today, Practices of Tomorrow, (Book Chapter). IGI Global Inc. doi: 10.4018/978-1-61520-672-8.ch007.

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