I believe that adults who are working to support themselves and their families deserve a non-traditional way to learn, and an instructor who is as eager for them to succeed as they are.
Beth Bailey, Ph.D. Instructor
- Faculty

Beth Bailey, Ph.D., is a training and development professional and educator with experience in multiple industries. Her doctorate is in training and development. She has a master's degree in instructional and performance technology, and a bachelor's degree in management. She also has a graduate certificate in teaching technical writing.
She has managed training and development teams within financial, real estate, oil and gas, software development, deregulated utilities, healthcare, and information services industries. She has taught organizational leadership, organizational behavior, organizational ethics, organizational leadership, fundamentals of organizational leadership, issues in organizational leadership, technical communication, editing, and project management.
Dr. Bailey has been honored with the distinction of Fellow from the Society for Technical Communication and is a member of several professional organizations.
She enjoys working with adult learners and believes that adults who are working to support themselves and their families deserve a non-traditional way to learn.
A Conversation with Dr. Bailey
What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending East Texas A&M?
Attending East Texas A&M is about joining with like-minded people who are intent on earning their degrees to develop and further their careers. Some people see getting a degree as a life task to be completed and forgotten. Others see getting a degree as a way of improving themselves or being a role model to others. No matter what your reason for attending, become an active part of the learning process and absorb what you can. You will find plenty of places to use your knowledge in the years to come.
What draws you to your discipline?
Leadership is not just a university degree program and is not restricted to corporate executives or management. Leadership can be demonstrated by a person in any role, at any level, and within any industry. The competencies that leaders demonstrate can be learned—despite those who believe in trait leadership—and used to lead and guide others. I am passionate about teaching students about leadership and its use in organizations.
What has been your favorite course to teach?
I manage to find fun in each course I teach as my enjoyment is mixed in with the student experience. I enjoy classes where students feel the course is worth their time and when they can immediately apply what they learn the day after they learn it. I hear from students taking project leadership who say they have learned skills that help them immediately manage small projects at work and help them understand the challenges their project managers face. I enjoy working with students as they explore the range of leadership topics available under the College of Innovation and Design umbrella, as well as those who find unique ways to demonstrate leadership competencies within their job and in their coursework.
Tell us about a project you are currently working on or recently completed.
I am a mentor for the IcouldBe and Upnotch programs for high school students and individuals seeking guidance in curriculum development and those aspiring to leadership roles, respectively.
The Dallas chapter of the Association for Talent Development is planning the Southwest Learning Summit at the Plano Event Center. I am part of the planning committee and manage registration for the event. I enjoy watching peoples’ faces as they leave session rooms animatedly chatting with each other about the things they learned. Being part of a team that can serve others as they learn and grow is precious to me.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to cross stitch, quilt, play with my dogs, play with my grandkids and read.
What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending East Texas A&M?
Attending East Texas A&M is about joining with like-minded people who are intent on earning their degrees to develop and further their careers. Some people see getting a degree as a life task to be completed and forgotten. Others see getting a degree as a way of improving themselves or being a role model to others. No matter what your reason for attending, become an active part of the learning process and absorb what you can. You will find plenty of places to use your knowledge in the years to come.
Educational Background
- Graduate Certificate, Teaching Technical Writing, University of North Texas
- Ph.D., Applied Training and Talent Development, University of North Texas
- M.S., Instructional and Performance Technology, Boise State University
- B.S., Management, University of Phoenix
Honors and Awards
Research Interests
- Use of OER in higher education and enterprise learning environments.
- Use of, and barriers to, using rubrics in corporate environments.
- Common instructional design activities and corresponding skills desired by hiring managers.