I’m driven to write content that highlights the amazing things happening at A&M-Commerce every day. Our faculty, staff and students are transforming lives, and I’m excited to help tell those stories.

Chris Gage
Communications Specialist II; Staff Council Communications Officer

  • Alum
  • Staff
Marketing and Communications
Contact Chris
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Binnion Hall 139
Related Department
Marketing and Communications
Greenville, Texas
College Major
Organizational Leadership

Chris Gage is a longtime Hunt County resident who began his career with Herald-Banner Publications as a high school work-study student. He developed a strong foundation in customer service and advertising sales, graphic design and marketing, pre-press production and writing. He continued his professional growth with stops at the Oklahoma Press Association, The Wall Street Journal, Texas Book Company and Carevide.

Since first stepping onto the A&M-Commerce campus in 1999, Chris dreamed of working in higher education. His dream became a reality when he harnessed his writing and marketing skills as a communications specialist in the Office of Marketing and Communications at A&M-Commerce.

In his free time, Chris enjoys spending time with family and friends, writing fiction, reading, karaoke and getting away on long bike rides down obscure dirt and gravel backroads.

How I Can Help You

I'm driven to write content that highlights the amazing things happening at A&M-Commerce every day. Our faculty, staff and students are transforming lives, and I’m excited to help tell those stories.

My role includes creating news stories, website content and marketing materials that educate prospective and current students, alumni and community supporters about the fantastic opportunities available through A&M-Commerce.

A Conversation with Chris

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending A&M-Commerce?

As a student and staff member, A&M-Commerce continues to transform my life every day. Our community of faculty, staff and alumni are committed to your personal and professional growth.

What do you like most about your career?

Every industry needs great writers. I'm thrilled to apply my craft to higher education. I enjoy the challenge of writing in a variety of styles for several academic disciplines.

Educational Background

Honors and Awards

  • Dean’s List, College of Innovation and Design, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Spring 2023
  • President’s Scholar, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Fall 2022
  • President’s Scholar, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Spring 2022
  • Dean’s List, College of Innovation and Design, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Fall 2021

Selected Publications

Stories by Chris

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