There is little else worth more than one’s peace of mind.

Cynthia Ware
Administrative Coordinator II

  • Alum
  • Staff
Advising Team | Division of Academic Affairs and Provost
Cynthia Ware professional headshot
Contact Cynthia
Velma K. Waters Library 231C
Related Department
Advising Team
Division of Academic Affairs and Provost
Year Graduated

Cynthia Ware has experienced a diversified and fulfilling career path throughout her lifetime. She has worked as a business owner, venue planner, probation officer and felony court officer. She has also held various administrative positions. Eventually, she found herself at East Texas A&M, where she currently serves as the administrative coordinator for the Advising Team. Throughout her career journey, Ware has learned that no matter the task or career, the most important thing is to maintain one’s inner joy.

When she’s not working, Ware relishes time outdoors and watching birds and wildlife. She is also creative and enjoys making art, listening to music, and cooking. She especially values moments with the people she loves. “I love sitting by a fire and laughing with my beautiful family and friends!” she says. All of these components of Cynthia’s personal life help build her inner joy, which she brings to work and shares with her colleagues at East Texas A&M.

A Conversation with Cynthia

How do you help students in your current role?

I am called to give students direction, whether it’s via email or by helping those who walk into the Advising Office with appointments. Whatever the case, I like to take each opportunity I am given with a student to offer a positive word of encouragement.

What do you love most about your job?

I enjoy challenges, so I love the array of challenges I am tasked with daily. There’s little room for boredom in my work life!

You’ve had quite a varied career! How did you become the Administrative Assistant II in Advising, and how did all your previous jobs prepare you for this?

My career has been built upon acquired skills and education over a lifespan! All the roles I have filled in my lifetime have equally prepared me for this current position at East Texas A&M. I’m required to be ready and up for a challenge at all times. I must be informed, prepared, adaptive, resourceful and productive. And even though I’ve held many jobs and positions, I’ve learned to equip myself with all those things, no matter my role!

What is an important life lesson you’ve learned?

There is little else worth more than one’s peace of mind. Finish every task you complete before it’s due, and finish the task you dread the most first. These simple things will help you maintain your peace of mind.

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending East Texas A&M?

Choosing East Texas A&M will be one of the most rewarding decisions you make! The campus offers quality education at affordable prices and the safety of a small town with large-city opportunities. Our smaller campus not only gives students the chance to make life-long friends and even career connections, but it allows students to learn about a multitude of cultures and ways of life.


  • M.S., Applied Criminology, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2014
  • Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences, Applied Arts and Sciences, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2012
  • Associate Degree, Criminal Justice, Paris Jr. College, 2010
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