Grady Blount Professor Emeritus of Physics
- Alum
- Faculty

Professor Grady Price Blount has spent his career as an interdisciplinary planetary and environmental scientist, specializing in solid surfaces and the dynamic forces which shape them. He shapes and challenges future scientists as he shares his knowledge and enthusiasm with his students. Blount's teaching interests include the traditional fields of remote sensing, geology (including geomorphology and sedimentology), climatology, and astronomy under the auspices of the integrated tenets of Earth System Science.
Blount participated in the NASA-sponsored Mars: Evolution of Volcanism, Tectonics and Volatiles (MEVTV) study group, and he was an invited speaker at the First International Conference on the Environment of Mars. He performed preliminary data analysis on the Clementine mission to the moon, contributing to the construction of the first-ever high-resolution lunar polar mosaic. In 1998, he completed a three-year NASA JOVE fellowship, working with the USGS Planetology Field Center to determine the effects of asteroid and comet impacts on the evolution of the Earth’s environment. During his previous career as a journalist, he created the radio program StarDate (1978), which Deborah Byrd of the McDonald Observatory later turned into a nationally syndicated PBS radio program.
- M.S., History and Political Science, Texas A&M University-Commerce(now East Texas A&M University), 2015
- Management Development Certificate, Harvard University, 2005
- Ph.D., Planetary Geology, Arizona State University, 1988
- M.S., Geology, Sul Ross State University, 1985
- B.S., Geology, Corpus Christi State University, 1982
Awards and Honors
- Phi Kappa Phi, 2013
- Outstanding Administrator Award, Texas A&M University-Commerce(now East Texas A&M University) Faculty Senate, 2012
Professional Organizations
- American Geophysical Union
- American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
- Intl. Society for Aeolian Research
- Association of Mars Explorers
- Experimental Aircraft Association
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- International Dark Sky Association
- National Society of Hispanic Physicists
- Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
- Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers
Selected Publications
Some Interesting Links
- National Society of Hispanic Physicists
- Texas Association of Deans of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- International Dark Sky Association
- Texas Section: International Dark Sky Association
- My alma mater: School of Earth & Space Exploration