It doesn’t matter where you come from; it’s where you’re going that counts.

Henry Ross, Ed.D.
Instructor Emeritus

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Counseling | Health and Human Performance
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Nursing and Health Sciences 115
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Health and Human Performance
Year Graduated

Recruited by legendary East Texas State University (ETSU) football coach Ernest Hawkins, Dr. Henry H. Ross arrived at ETSU (now East Texas A&M University) in 1985 as an assistant football coach and physical education instructor after serving in the same capacity at his alma mater, Kentucky State University.

After retiring from coaching, Ross became an active member of the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (TAHPERD) in 1999. He has been involved in numerous scholarly presentations, held several leadership positions with the organization—including serving as president in 2014—and continues serving on numerous committees.

He also served as a Parliamentarian for the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education.

In his 36-year tenure at East Texas A&M, Ross has served the university, the city of Commerce, and the state of Texas in numerous capacities, including departmental committees, interim department head, faculty senate, the athletic council and 13 dissertation committees.

After retiring from A&M-Commerce (now East Texas A&M University) in 2021, he was designated by The Texas A&M University System with the distinguished title of Instructor Emeritus, the system's highest honor for retired employees. He now serves the university as an adjunct instructor in the Department of Health and Human Performance and as interim assistant department head for the Department of Counseling at East Texas A&M.

He is active as a board member with Commerce Community Cares, Inc. His published works focus on the concerns of African American faculty employed at predominately white, doctoral-extensive universities.

faculty members pose for a photo with Dr. Henry Ross

A Conversation with Dr. Ross

What would you tell a student who is considering East Texas A&M?

If you are looking for excellence in teaching, an affordable education, competitive athletics, and a caring faculty, East Texas A&M is the place to be.

What has been your favorite course to teach?

Introduction to Human Diseases

Tell us about a project you are currently working on or recently completed.

I am currently working on an autobiography!

Educational Background

  • Ed.D., Secondary and Higher Education, Curriculum and Instruction, East Texas A&M University (formerly Texas A&M University-Commerce), 2007
  • M.S., Physical Education, Southern Illinois University, 1981
  • B.S., Health and Physical Education, Kentucky State University, 1978

Awards and Honors

  • Instructor Emeritus, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2023
  • David K. Brace Award, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 2018
  • Honor Award, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 2017
  • Ethnic Minority Award, Southern District Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2017
  • Trailblazer Award, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 2015
  • Athletic Hall of Fame (football), Kentucky State University, 2010
  • College/University Health Educator of the Year, Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, 2008

Research Interests

  • Drug Use and its contribution to risky sexual behavior and sexually transmitted diseases
  • Concerns of African American faculty employed at predominately white, doctoral-extensive universities
  • The future of health education in public schools

Professional Organizations

Selected Publications

  • Edwards, Willie J. and Henry H. Ross (2018). What are they saying? Black Faculty at Predominantly White Institutions of Higher Education. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment,28:2, 142-161, DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2017.1391731
  • Ross, Henry H. and Willie J, Edwards (2015). African American Faculty Expressing Concerns: Breaking the Silence at Predominantly White Research Oriented Universities. Journal of Race Ethnicity and Education
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