Kathryn Dixon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

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College of Education and Human Services | Curriculum and Instruction
Headshot of Kathryn Dixon, a woman with white skin and long red hair.
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Nursing and Health Sciences 315
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College of Education and Human Services
Curriculum and Instruction

Kathryn Dixon, Ph.D., is a former elementary bilingual educator. She earned her doctorate in literacy and language studies with a minor in curriculum and instruction at the University of North Texas in 2014. Dixon now serves as an associate professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at A&M-Commerce teaching undergraduate and graduate reading courses.

Educational Background

Selected Publications

  • Dixon, K.V. (in press). Framing bilingual education policy: Articulation in Texas. Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction.
  • Sanders, A., & Dixon, K.V. (2014). A brave new world: Pre-service teachers understanding and integrating new literacies in the language arts classroom. The Reading Paradigm, 8 (1), pp. 4-9.
  • Mohr, K.A.J., Dixon, K. & Young, C. (2012). Effective and efficient: Maximizing literacy assessment and instruction. In Ortlieb, E. T., & Cheek, Jr., E. H. (Eds.). Literacy research, practice, and evaluation: Vol. 1(p. 293-324). Using informative assessments for effective literacy practices. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.

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