East Texas A&M has taught me the importance of celebrating the little victories.

Maria Carlson, Ph.D.
Department Head and Professor

  • Faculty
Psychology and Special Education
Contact Maria
Binnion Hall 205
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Psychology and Special Education
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Year Graduated

Maria Carlson, Ph.D., is passionate about helping others. She is a member of a charity organization that donates handmade octopi to comfort premature infants in neonatal intensive care units across the United States. As the proud mother of three boys, Carlson’s home is full of energy. When she is not teaching or doing research, you can find her enjoying family time; whether watching movies or playing video games with her husband and sons.

A Conversation with Dr. Carlson

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending East Texas A&M?

Go to class, work hard and take the opportunity to explore the subjects that truly interest you.

How has East Texas A&M influenced your life and/or career?

Being a professor at East Texas A&M has taught me the importance of celebrating the little victories and that encouraging small improvements often leads to future success.

Tell us about an academic project you are working on or recently completed.

It is well-known that a lack of sleep negatively impacts cognition, but it is not clear what effect it has on eyewitness memory. I am currently working on a research project that will investigate the effect of the self-reported amount of sleep the night before, quality of that sleep and current sleepiness on eyewitness memory of a mock crime.

Educational Background

Academic Positions

  • Assistant Department Head, East Texas A&M University, 2020 – Present
  • Psychology Undergraduate Program Coordinator, East Texas A&M University, 2019 – Present
  • Associate Professor, TEast Texas A&M University, 2012 – Present

Research Interests

  • Psychometrics
  • ROC analysis
  • Measurement error
  • Stereotype threat
  • PSY 302: Psychological Statistics: Descriptive and Inferential
  • PSY 610: Nonparametric Statistics

Selected Publications

  • Carlson, C. A., & Carlson, M. A. (2014). An evaluation of lineup presentation, weapon presence, and a distinctive feature using ROC analysis. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 3, 45 – 53. doi:10.1016/j.jarmac.2014.03.004
  • Carlson, C. A., Carlson, M. A., Weatherford, D. R., Tucker, A., & Bednarz, J. E. (2016). The effect of backloading instructions on eyewitness identification from simultaneous and sequential lineups. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30, 1005-1013. doi: 10.1002/acp.3292
  • Carlson, C.A., Jones, A. R., Goodsell, C. A., Carlson, M. A., Weatherford, D. A. Whittington, J. E., & Lockamyeir, R. F. (2019). A method for increasing empirical discriminability and eliminating top-row preference in photo arrays. Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology. doi: 10.1002/acp.3551

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