Paige Morris
Student Communications Specialist

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Marketing and Communications

Paige Morris is a first-year student and has enjoyed her education at East Texas A&M University so far. Her time at ETAMU has allowed her to think more about what she wants to do with her future. The work that she completes now will heavily influence the type of communications career she decides to pursue. Right now, her desired career is to become a flight attendant, which would allow her to use her communication degree. 

A Conversation with Paige

What are your career goals and how does your degree program fit into your career goals?

I'd like to become a flight attendant when I'm over 21. I've always wanted to be a flight attendant because they get to see the world when they have layovers. They also have flexible schedules and meet lots of different people. With a communication degree, I'll have more opportunities when I become a flight attendant. There might be other positions I want to apply for that are much more complex, and having a degree will allow me to not limit myself.

What advice would you give to an incoming student?

The advice I would give to an incoming student is to focus on your schoolwork first before anything else. It's of course important to enjoy your college experience by having fun but it's also important to be responsible. It's a huge shift from high school to college, so preparing yourself is essential. Plan everything out by writing it down on a calendar and setting reminders. The school offers tons of resources, and it’s important to use them when you need help. 

What influenced the decision for your major?

When choosing my major, I wanted to study something that was broad and would be able to fit into any company. So far, I’ve learned that communication is more than just talking with words; it's the study of how people communicate verbally and nonverbally with others. It's also about how a company portrays themselves, including marketing. What influenced me to pursue a degree in communications was the opportunity to learn how to write and represent a company to millions of people with words and proper marketing tools.

Why did you choose to attend East Texas A&M University?

I chose to attend East Texas A&M because of how great the support was throughout the registration process. When I attended the Admitted Student Day event at ETAMU, I enjoyed how university representatives told future students about all the safety and resources on campus, and about money management and financial aid. It was a very welcoming environment and a smooth transition from high school to college life.


  • B.A., Communication Studies, East Texas A&M University, Expected 2026
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