Dedicated Vets are Priceless

Prepare yourself for veterinary school at East Texas A&M. Through the pre-veterinary medicine concentration, you'll be able to explore and develop knowledge in animal science, nutrition, physiology and other vital information you can use as you continue your studies and later work in the field. Along with specific topics around livestock and domestic animals, you'll also have opportunities to expand your public speaking, analytical and scientific writing skills.

Is this Program a Good Fit for You?

Animal Science students are typically interested in:

  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Animal pharmaceutical sales
  • Food inspection
  • Stable management
  • Breed organizations
  • Ranch management

See Yourself Succeed With a Degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems

wheat field.

Grow Your Passion for Agriculture

East Texas A&M has one of the top hands-on agricultural programs in Texas. Explore horticulture, wildlife, livestock herds, and more through exciting experiential learning and modern facilities.

A picture of a cow with a calf.

Join the Family

The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources is a growing family with a supportive student culture, including multiple student organizations and competitive judging and show teams.

Professional showing students how to cut wood.

Expert Faculty

Work with professors who have ambitious research agendas solving problems on the farm, increasing nursery efficiency and improving worker safety.

A male and female wearing plastic caps looking at a laptop in front of a building
Agribusiness office

Career Readiness

The College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources puts you front and center to potential employers by fostering positive relationships and maintaining a strong public presence throughout the agricultural industry.

a group of people standing around a machine.

Student Profiles


Bayleigh Becker

When I originally came to East Texas A&M University, I wanted to develop state and national park edu…

Jordan Conley

“I currently work on the predation effects on translocated wild California valley quail, where I pla…

Garrett Rushing


Russell Graves



  • Agribusiness
  • Agricultural Education
  • Agronomy
  • Animal Science
  • Equine Science
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Food Studies
  • Horticulture


A degree in animal science will offer you the opportunity to:

  • Complete pre-vet courses to help you, whether you wish to pursue veterinarian school or another professional path.
  • Acquire broad cultural knowledge as well as a thorough understanding of the basic sciences as a foundation for veterinary school.
  • Tailor your class schedule to fit your areas of interest and future career goals.
  • Gain a firm understanding of nutrition, anatomy and physiology for domestic animals.

What You Will Learn

Develop a solid foundation in animal science so you can work as a ranch manager, county extension agent, sales representative for agri-businesses or continue to veterinary school and other post-graduate studies.

Courses to Prepare You for Your Career

  • Core courses include animal nutrition, genetics of livestock improvement, agricultural communications and ethics in agriculture and food policy.
  • Supporting courses include organic chemistry, quantitative chemistry and agricultural economics.
  • Pre-vet concentration courses include microbiology, physics and biochemistry.

Student Organizations

Some Organizations you can get involved in include:

  • AgriBusiness Club
  • Pre-Vet Society
  • Horticulture Club
  • Alpha Gamma Rho
  • Sigma Alpha
  • Collegiate FFA
group of ag students

Undergraduate Program Costs

Program Costs

Tuition and fees for undergraduate students taking 12 credit hours are $4,212 for Texas residents and $9,108 for non-residents.

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  • P.O. Box 3011
  • Commerce, TX 75429-3011
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