Unlock Potential

All children can learn. With our exceptional bachelor’s degrees emphasizing special education, you will learn about the characteristics of mild-to-severe disabilities, the application of assessments, and the development of all learners. You will gain first-hand experience with assistive technologies that you'll use in your future classroom.

Special Education teacher interacting with student in a classroom.

See Yourself Succeed With a Degree in Special Education

Female teacher with elementary age girl at school desk.

Career Readiness

Reinforce your confidence and skills to become an effective special education teacher through field-based experiences in real-world classroom settings.

Female teacher instructing college students in classroom.

Distinguished Faculty

Work with excellent, supportive faculty to cultivate the skills and knowledge you’ll need to work with students of all abilities.

Frank Young Education North building.

Advice as You Need it

Visit our Mentor Center in the Frank Young Education North building for support and information to help reach your career goals.

A professor interacting with students in a classroom.
Woman teaching class about special education.
Three students working on a computer together.

Hands-on Training

Gain experience at the Assistive Technology Lab, designed to assist and empower individuals with disabilities and educate future teachers.

Focus Your Passion

Choose our all-level special education teaching certification track.

All-Level Special Education

This track prepares you to work with students with disabilities in early childhood through grade 12 (EC-12). Completing this program and passing all TExES exams certifies you to teach special education in Texas. You will also choose a content area as part of the overall degree plan, allowing you to take a supplemental certification exam for that area. Meet with your advisor once you select a content area to receive your degree plan.

Assistive Technology Lab

As a collaboration among the Department of Psychology and Special Education, the Center for Information Technology Excellence, and Velma K. Waters Library, this unique facility features multiple examples of assistive technology specifically designed to empower individuals with disabilities and educate future teachers.

Finding My Community

Dr. Jones in her assistive technology room teaching students.

Beth Jones, Ph.D.

A&M-Commerce has afforded me the opportunity to explore my passion of meeting the needs of stude…
A woman smiling

Belinda Rudinger, Ed.D., ATP, CATIS

Even your hardest day in special education is filled with meaning. Driving home each day, you know t…
Dr. Carrero in mexico with a group of students.

Kelly M. Carrero, Ph.D., BCBA, LBA-TX

Our student body, faculty and administration are comprised of people from many racial, cultural, soc…

Michelle Hanks, M.Ed.

Texas A&M University-Commerce has influenced my career in that my students are eager, willing, and r…

What you will learn

A degree in special education offers the opportunity to:

  • Develop strategies to promote student achievement in language, reading and math.
  • Gain knowledge about disabling conditions and their effects on learning.
  • Ascertain how to provide instruction while addressing students’ learning needs.
  • Administer behavioral assessments, promote behavioral management and develop interventions when needed.
Young woman in classroom with pen and paper.


A degree in special education from East Texas A&M develops in-demand skills and knowledge. As a graduate, you will be well-prepared for a successful teaching career. Our special education program boasts a nearly 100% employment rate throughout Texas!

Career Possibilities and Current Median Salaries

Special education teachers, secondary school
Special education teachers, middle school
Special education teachers, kindergarten and elementary school
Special education teachers, preschool

US DOL Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2020

Potential Employers

Job placement and satisfaction are high in our education program. In fact, regional school districts often seek out our graduates. Check out a few of the school districts where our students have taught. Discover where you belong!

Shot of an unrecognizable woman working from home.

Course Delivery

Our bachelor’s degree program in special education offers you a flexible way to earn your degree. You may take classes online or face to face. Many of our courses are offered at the main campus in Commerce, at the Mesquite Metroplex campus, at Navarro College, or at the Collin Higher Education Center in McKinney.

Student Organizations

Student Council for Exceptional Children, Chapter 211

Student Council for Exceptional Children is a local chapter of the national Council for Exceptional Children. This organization consists of East Texas A&M students who have an interest in children with special needs and those who are considered gifted and talented. Our goal is to improve educational professional standards and to increase awareness of children with exceptionalities. If you would like to learn more about us, contact Dr. Belinda Rudinger.

Unrecognizable woman coloring.

Undergraduate Program Costs

Program Costs

Tuition and fees for undergraduate students taking 12 credit hours are $4,212 for Texas residents and $9,108 for non-residents.

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