
We engage in creative discovery and dissemination of knowledge and ideas for service, leadership and innovation in the interconnected and dynamic world of public service. Our mission is to provide a personal, accessible and affordable educational experience for a varied community of learners within first responder and tactical populations. Our mission is accomplished through ceaseless industry, fearless investigation, unfettered thought, unselfish service to others and specialized training and assessment modalities unique to the first responder and tactical landscape.

Featured Publications

October 25, 2022

A law enforcement academy environment, in many cases, provides cadets with a framework of understanding professional, procedural, and legal obligations and the associated duties. In general, academies help cadets form initial impression regarding the profession by teaching practices and modeling of professional behavior. As we dive deeper into the perspective of occupational preparedness and mission readiness, an academy setting sculpts the ideology that many cadets will require regarding physical fitness standards, strength and conditioning programming, and individual physical capabilities.

August 10, 2022

Purpose of Research

In the world of higher education, it is common practice for universities to conduct experimental research. Research can be defined as an “investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new facts, or practical application of such new or revised theories or laws.” Generally, the research process should begin with creating tens, hundreds, if not thousands of research questions, based on observations. The research questions that stem from this process propels investigators to construct research methods to answer said questions. One of the unique challenges in this scientific research process is that these research projects typically only scratch the surface, thereby slightly unveiling an answer, while ultimately providing multiple other questions to be investigated.

May 28, 2022

The Collaboration

Jabai Performance and Fire In Texas completed their second academy class collaboration, this round including a strength and conditioning program designed by TSAC instructor Hussien Jabai. The purpose of the programming is to prepare cadets for occupational tasks and job demands associated with firefighting. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the program, the two parties observed the physical abilities testing results performed by the cadets at set points throughout the 12-week academy class. The physical abilities test was designed by Fire In Texas and was not anything newly implemented by this collaboration. Texas A&M University – Commerce ROARHP Research Lab performed additional pre, mid, and post movement analysis assessments for the program. In one of our recent articles, Fire Academy Brings in Tactical Strength and Conditioning Instructor for Program Development, we explained the purpose and involvement that Jabai Performance has regarding the collaboration with Fire In Texas – Fire/EMS Academy.

March 24, 2022

With any tactical profession, the academy setting is generally a cadet's first impression of fitness, health, and wellness as they relate to the tactical operator. An academy should construct the framework of education in which a cadet will utilize as a baseline for occupational preparedness, longevity of health, and injury mitigation. The local Fire and EMS academy, Fire In Texas, expands their cadet resiliency initiative as their continued collaboration with Jabai Performance and Texas A&M University – Commerce progresses toward program implementation.

March 24, 2022

The Texas A&M University – Commerce Health and Human Performance Department and the Tactical Department of Jabai Performance currently collaborate with CAPCOG Regional Law Enforcement Academy to provide resources and educational trainings for both cadets and physical fitness instructors. Prior to discussing the current research study, we must discuss the background behind a typically academy setting and the professionals involved in the collaboration.

March 24, 2022

The health and wellness status of first responders continues to be an ongoing discussion within the tactical professional network. As such, the availability and utilization of medical and fitness resources need to be constantly assessed. As a team, Jabai Performance and the Health and Human Performance Department of Texas A&M University – Commerce continue to collaborate on various research projects that evaluate the health of first responders and tactical professionals. As the development of tactical research has progressed at Texas A&M University – Commerce, the team decided that there needed to be a working relationship with local academies. Researchers Hussien Jabai and Dr. Michael Oldham traveled to Sulphur Springs, TX to meet with Rodney Caudle of Fire in Texas. Fire In Texas is a Fire and EMS Academy, specializing in Fire Academy and EMS training. With a round table discussion, the group shared ideas on potential research opportunities that would provide baseline data for the cadets and the academy program structure. The group established a mutual benefit in conducting the research with the local fire academy, leading researchers Oldham and Jabai to construct and propose a research study to the governing IRB (Institutional Research Board).

March 24, 2022

Firefighters are not only responsible for daily-tasks around the department, but must also be prepared to respond to any incoming emergency (medical or fire) call throughout their shift (day or night). From this perspective, call load, call timing, tasks performed while on-shift, sleeping patterns, nutrition, and off-shift activity can all play factors into total recovery of firefighting personnel. With an increasing wave of wellness initiatives for the first responder community comes personnel willing to dedicate time and resources toward wellness program development. As an expansion of current research collaborations, the Health and Human Performance Department of Texas A&M University-Commerce reached out to Melissa Fire Department to partake in a 6-month WHOOP – HRV, sleep, and recovery study. The purpose behind the HRV research collaboration between Jabai Performance, Texas A&M University-Commerce, and Melissa Fire Department is to:

  1. Provide a platform to assist participating firefighters in providing data to help regulate their off-shift physical activity
  2. Provide a means for participating firefighters to understand the impact that sleep, nutrition, job-tasks/workload, and physical activity has on the body
  3. Provide a line of communication for personnel to engage in conversation with collaborating parties regarding fitness and nutrition
  4. Provide insight on the impact that the current 24 hour on – 48 hours off shift schedule has on participating firefighters

March 24, 2022

The wellness initiative within the tactical community has inspired exercise science professionals to collaborate with police departments, fire departments, military bases, academies, and universities to provide new innovations in wellness services. As data builds within the published literature discussing injury rates, cause of injury, and details of injury scenarios within the firefighting community, it is time for academics to catch up on publishing literature in regard to injury prevention/management programs.

March 24, 2022

In the public sector, it is becoming more common for exercise science professionals to join forces with the tactical community to incorporate injury management programs.

These programs are individualized and unique to a specific department or agency's budget, resources, and or personnel experience/qualifications. Jabai Performance continues to drive education and program development throughout the tactical population through research collaborations with local departments. Earlier in the year, Jabai Performance partnered with the Health and Human Performance Department at Texas A&M University–Commerce (TAMUC) to conduct research and provide resources for a local fire department.

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  • Nursing Health Sciences 165
  • P.O. Box 3011, Commerce, TX 75429
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