Welcome Home, Lions!

Living on campus is more than just having a place to stay—it's about creating a home where you can thrive academically, socially and personally. Our residential communities provide a supportive environment where students build lifelong friendships, engage in meaningful experiences and grow into leaders.

Our dedicated team is committed to fostering a safe, dynamic living-learning experience. Whether you are a first-year student adjusting to college life or a returning student seeking new opportunities, we are here to support you every step of the way.

I encourage you to explore our website to learn more about housing options, community development and the many ways you can get involved. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out— we are excited to welcome you to East Texas A&M where we transform lives!

Go Lions!

Director of Residential Living & Learning

Academic Year 2024-2025

Statement of Responsibility

Information provided in this handbook is for the benefit of the community and residents of East Texas A&M University Residential Living and Learning. Residents are encouraged to make East Texas A&M their home away from home and to live in a community with other students. In order to facilitate the development of community and cooperation, all community members share responsibility and accountability for knowledge and adherence to policies and procedures.

Being well versed in this information will help make the living experience an educational and enriching one as well as provide the resources to be a good community member. Residents are responsible for what happens in their living unit. Students in the presence of any policy violation may be subject to disciplinary action. Any type of damage, incidental or malicious, will result in restitution of damaged property by the responsible residents.


FERPA is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. The essence of FERPA is to give a student the right to inspect his or her education records and to protect the privacy of these records. The statute applies to any educational agency or institution that receives funding under any program administered by the Secretary of Education.

Resident Rights and Responsibilities

As a resident within the Department of Residential Living and Learning's (RLL) residential communities, the staff works hard to ensure that the following rights are afforded to everyone and accountability exists for the following responsibilities:

  • Sleep: We believe that each resident should be able to sleep safely within their assigned space, particularly during hall quiet hours. Residents have a responsibility to show each other respect in terms of noise levels and requests to lower noise levels.
  • Ability to Study: We believe in creating an environment that will allow residents to study within their assigned halls and/or rooms. Residents have a responsibility to show each other respect in terms of noise levels and request lower noise levels if they are hindering studying.
  • Personal Belongings: We believe you should be able to store your personal belongings in your assigned space. You are responsible for securing your belongings in your space and all doors within your space and within the building to ensure the safety of residents and resident belongings.
  • Access: We believe that you should be able to access your assigned space without any hindrances. You are responsible for always maintaining possession of your key/ keycard. Additionally, you are responsible for any guests you bring into your building/community.
  • Clean Environment: We will work hard to ensure that all common spaces are kept up and clean, and we will conduct Health and Safety Inspections (HSIs) to ensure personal responsibility related to maintaining a clean and healthy environment within individual rooms.
  • Express Concerns: We are here as staff to listen to your concerns and will work hard to ensure we address them to the best of our ability. You have a responsibility to bring concerns to your Resident Assistant (RA) and/or Community Director (CD).
  • Open and Inclusive Environment: We will work hard as staff to ensure that we are creating a welcoming environment, and residents have a responsibility as community members to do the same. Abuse (written or verbal), threats, and/ or intimidation will not be tolerated.
  • Conduct: If you are documented by staff as involved in an incident, you will be invited to a meeting to discuss the incident from your perspective. As a resident, it is your responsibility to abide by all Residential Living and Learning Community Standards, the University Code of Conduct, and all directives provided by University employees.

The Residential Living and Learning (RLL) conduct process is designed to encourage students to take responsibility for their actions and ensure that the rights of all members of the residence community are respected. The RLL conduct process includes administrative action and typically involves the following:

  • Residential Living and Learning staff document residents suspected of community standards violations and submit an incident report to the professional Residential Living and Learning staff.
  • Cases of repeat Community Standards violations or incidents involving a potential safety risk to the resident or community may be referred directly to the Coordinator of Student Support and Well-Being, Assistant Directors, or Associate Director of Residence Education.
  • Notification is sent via e-mail to the resident(s) myLeo account of those alleged or witnessed as involved in the violation of the Community Standards.
  • During a conduct meeting, the resident(s) will meet with the Coordinator of Student Support and Well-Being, Community Director, Assistant Director, and/or the Associate Director of Residence Education. The resident’s findings of Responsible or Not Responsible in the alleged Community Standards violation is typically decided during or after the conduct meeting. Once a decision has been made, the resident is provided with a decision letter via e-mail outlining the findings and applicable sanctions.
  • If the resident is found responsible for a Community Standards violation, sanctions consistent with the Community Standards violation(s) are assigned. Sanctions are typically educational assignments or tasks to increase self-awareness and encourage appropriate behavior consistent with community living.
  • Following receipt of the decision letter, the resident may submit an appeal via the link included in their letter. Appeals must be submitted within five (5) business days from the date of the decision. (Refer to Appeal Process for more information).

Failure to participate in the Residential Living and Learning conduct process will result in further administrative actions, including a registration hold on their student account and up to cancellation of their housing contract. The Residential Living and Learning conduct process is separate from the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Students are responsible for what occurs in their room. As a result, they may be held responsible for the violation occurring in their assigned room or suite, even if they are not present when the violation occurred. For conduct purposes, the decision on whether a violation occurred is based upon a preponderance of information and, more likely than not, the alleged violation occurred. Preponderance is based on the more convincing evidence/information and its probable truth or accuracy, and not on the amount of evidence/information.

Accepting Responsibility for Your Actions

During the conduct meeting, the Residential Living and Learning (RLL) professional staff member will review the student's rights, alleged violation (s), and incident report with the resident to determine responsibility or not. Our conduct process is intended to be educational in nature to allow the student to learn from their mistakes. Residents may be found responsible or not responsible for violations, and these decisions are communicated via email to residents' ETAMU email in a decision letter. A finding of not responsible requires no further action from the resident. A finding of responsible generally requires a change in action or behavior, sometimes called a sanction. Whether a resident accepts responsibility for a Community Standards violation or is found responsible for the violation(s) by Residential Living and Learning staff, sanctions assigned are intended to provide the resident with an educational opportunity. Sanctions are designed to provide opportunities for self-reflection, increased self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of the impact of their behaviors on themselves and others in their community.

Residence Hall Removal

Residential Living and Learning reserves the right to remove any resident from the residential communities due to safety considerations, contract cancellation, or situations where current medical knowledge and/or the best available objective information demonstrates that the resident poses an actual risk to the health or safety of themselves or others.

Any decision to summarily remove a resident from the residential community may be appealed via the Appeals Process described below.

Residential Living and Learning is not responsible for making alternative housing arrangements or for paying or reimbursing any costs any resident may incur as a result of being removed from the residence halls.

Appeal Process

Following receipt of the decision letter, the resident may submit a written appeal within five (5) business days from the date of the decision. In most cases, the assigned sanctions will not be initiated until the appeal process is completed.

The appeal process exists to review the appropriateness of the initial findings of responsibility and/or sanctions imposed. Beyond not liking the original decision or sanctions assigned, those appealing should have a defined rationale, and articulate that clearly. Appeals can be submitted by completing the appeal form found at the link located in the decision letter and uploading an appeal document. The uploaded appeal document should include the following information:

  • First and Last Name
  • Phone Number
  • ETAMU Email Address
  • ETAMU ID Number (Student ID)
  • Conduct Case Number
  • Grounds for Appeal

The appeal must specify one or more of the following grounds:

  • That the Residential Living and Learning Conduct Procedures were not followed. Deviations from designated procedures will not be a basis for sustaining a challenge unless the procedural error substantially impacted the finding or sanction
  • There is new information or other relevant facts not available at the time of the decision that is potentially sufficient to alter the findings
  • That the sanction(s) assigned is/are substantially disproportionate to the severity of the violation

The appeal and all relevant information pertaining to the case will be forwarded to the appropriate administrator. Following a review, the administrator may uphold the initial decision, modify the sanction(s), remand for a full or partial review, or dismiss the case.

Should a resident intending to appeal believe they have been given inadequate time to prepare an appeal, they may submit a written request for an extension of time to [email protected]. This request must be submitted in writing within the five (5) business day appeal period and include a proposed submittal date and a rationale for requesting an extension.

Students submitting an appeal will receive an email notice of the administrator's appeal decision within ten (10) business days of receipt of the written appeal. The decision of the administrator is final.

Special Administrative Actions

The following are special administrative actions that may be taken in addition to and apart from the conduct process.

The Director of Residential Living and Learning or designee may initiate action against a resident pending the initiation of the conduct process whenever there is information that a resident poses a threat to the safety or well-being of the residential community members and/or University property or poses a continuing threat of disruption or interference to typical community life or the functioning of the residential communities.

A resident subject to special administrative actions will be given prompt written notice of the allegations and the opportunity for a prompt conduct meeting. These actions include, but are not limited to:


The Director of Residential Living and Learning or designee may require residents to move to another room or suite or move to another residential community. Reasonable notice shall be given under the circumstances.


The Director of Residential Living and Learning or designee may exclude any resident from University-owned, operated, or leased housing before final determination of an alleged violation. The resident may be restricted only to the minimum extent necessary when there is reasonable cause to believe that the resident's residence or presence in a specified area of University Housing will lead to physical abuse, threats of violence, conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person, or cause disruptive activity incompatible with the orderly operation of University Housing.


The Director of Residential Living and Learning or designee may prevent a resident’s re-contract pending the final determination of an alleged violation(s).

This section outlines processes and procedures within Residential Living and Learning. Please note that this section does not include the University's Policies. For more information on the University's Policies, Procedures, standards, and Statements website.

Abandoned Property

ETAMU and the Department of Residential Living and Learning staff are not responsible for student property left in any on-campus residential space. If property is left in a room or apartment after the housing contract period is over, it will be removed and stored at the owner's expense. If possible, the student will be notified to arrange a pick-up date.

The Department of Residential Living and Learning will maintain abandoned property for 90 days, after which the property will be disposed of. Residents will be charged $180/month for the 90-day period during which abandoned property is maintained.

Communicable Diseases

Students living in the Residence Halls or University Apartments who are diagnosed with a communicable disease, including but not limited to COVID-19, chicken pox, measles, mumps, mononucleosis, Ebola, and SARS that proves to be a health threat to other residents may be relocated to an alternate apartment/room on campus until such time when it is determined the student is no longer contagious. Residential Living and Learning staff will maintain the privacy, to the extent possible, of any student who has knowledge of testing positive for any communicable diseases. To make arrangements to temporarily relocate due to having a communicable disease, contact your apartment or Residential Living and Learning Staff.

Contract Release

The Contract Release Request is located in each resident's myLeo housing portal under Other Applications. To be considered for a contract release, residents must complete the form and upload documentation.


In accordance with A&M System Policy 08.01.01.R2 Anyone who experiences, observes, or becomes aware of illegal discrimination and/or related retaliation should promptly report the incident(s) to any of the following: their supervisor (if a ETAMU employee), Title IX Office: 903-468-3104 or [email protected], University Police Department: (903) 886-5868 or [email protected], Human Resources Office: (903) 886-5282, Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities: (903) 886-5195, Risk, Fraud & Misconduct Hotline: (888) 501-3850.

Emergency Contact Information

During the housing application and contract renewal processes, students living on campus are required to provide at least one emergency contact to Residential Living and Learning. This information will be kept confidential. It will only be used by Residential Living and Learning staff and other East Texas A&M University staff members with emergency response job responsibilities or in the case of emergencies involving students, such as death, life-threatening injuries, or a missing person report.

Emergency Preparedness

In some emergency situations, such as flooding or the release of hazardous materials, emergency responders may order protective actions for persons who live or work on campus. Typically, these protective actions are to evacuate to a safer area or to shelter in place. It is possible that some emergency scenarios could result in one of these protective actions being ordered for one part of campus and other protective actions for a different area of campus. When such actions are warranted, police, fire, safety, or university officials will appropriately advise you. Students are also encouraged to download the Lion Safe app, which will send students important safety alerts and provide instant access to campus safety resources. This app is integrated with the university's safety and security systems.

Area Evacuation for Emergencies

An area evacuation is an organized withdrawal from a building or area to an assigned safe location. Upon notification to evacuate, quickly:

· Dress appropriately for the weather.

· Take only the essentials with you, such as eyeglasses, medications, identification, and money (cash/credit cards). Do not take time to pack your belongings.

· Turn off computers, unnecessary equipment, and appliances.

· Close and lock the door as you exit your room/apartment.

· Follow the directions provided for safe routes of evacuation.

· Listen to the radio to monitor emergency status.

· Do not use your personal vehicle for evacuation unless specifically instructed.

· If you need special assistance, contact your Resident Assistant, Community Director, or other appropriate emergency contacts. If these staff members are unavailable, call the University Police Department at (903) 886-5868 for assistance.

Sheltering in Place for Emergencies

When emergency conditions do not warrant or allow evacuation, such as in some active shooter scenarios and/ or a gas leak, the safest method to protect individuals may be to take shelter inside a campus building or apartment and await further instructions. If asked to shelter in place, quickly:

  • Move indoors or remain there. Avoid windows and areas with glass.
  • If available, take a radio, computer, or mobile device to the room to track emergency status.
  • Keep telephone lines free for emergency responders. Do not call 911 for information.

If hazardous materials are involved:

  • Turn off ventilation/AC systems (if accessible) and close or seal all air inlets and cracks from the outside.
  • Select a room that is easy to seal and, if possible, has a water supply and access to restrooms.

If you smell gas or vapor, hold a wet cloth loosely over your nose and mouth and breathe through it as normally as possible.

Fire Alarm System

Each building is equipped with a fire alarm system. Residents are required to evacuate the building during the sounding of all alarms unless told otherwise by a member of the building staff and/or the University Police Department. Residents are prohibited from tampering with these systems, including but not limited to pulling fire alarms when no fire or threat of fire is present, playing with fire extinguishers, covering smoke detectors, and hanging items on or playing with the sprinkler system within the building. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in sanctions that could include fines or fees.

When an alarm sounds, residents should do the following:

  1. Immediately close windows.
  2. Grab keys, phone, and University ID card.
  3. Wake your roommate and inform them of the alarm.
  4. Put on shoes and grab a jacket (if during night and/or colder months)
  5. Check the door or doorknob. If it is cool, open it and proceed towards the closest emergency exit to the assigned meeting location. If it is hot, do not open it; place a towel under the door. If smoke is either seen or smelled, call 911 and inform them of your location.
  6. Leave the door closed and walk to the exit. If smoke is encountered, stay low for air.
  7. Do not use an elevator.
  8. Do not re-enter the building under any circumstance until cleared by UPD or a Residential Living and Learning staff member.
Severe Winds

The best protection in severe winds is a permanent building on the campus. As a result, steps will be taken to ensure the safety of students/employees within the buildings rather than to evacuate. Time permitting, students and employees in temporary structures will be moved to permanent buildings/structures.

  • At the time of warning of impending severe winds, property and equipment not properly anchored should be moved inside a building or tied down.
  • Immediately after the cessation of severe winds, university personnel will inspect all areas for damage.
Watches and Warnings

The National Weather Service and local radio and television stations will announce watches and warnings about severe weather. If a Tornado Watch or Severe Storm Watch is issued, you should:

  • Review Emergency Plans.
  • Be alert for changing weather conditions.
  • Be prepared to act.

If a Tornado Warning or Severe Storm Warning is issued, you should immediately take the following precautions:

  • Do not go outside.
  • Move into the smallest interior space without exterior windows or doors (such as inner hallways, interior stairwells, bathrooms or closets).
  • Avoid the top floor of buildings and any area that may be glass enclosed or has a large unsupported roof.
  • If you are unable to move to a small interior place of shelter, get under a sturdy piece of furniture.
  • Monitor local radio or television stations for announcements of any additional actions to take and/or for cancellation of the warning.
  • Occupants of the building should remain in the place of shelter until the warning has been officially canceled.

Drop and Tuck Position:

  • With your head toward an interior wall,
  • Drop to your knees, bend forward, and tuck your body to your legs,
  • Clasp your hands across the back of your neck

Fire Drills

For the protection and safety of our community, unannounced fire drills will be held during the academic year. Your cooperation is mandatory to become familiar with evacuation routes. Anytime the alarm sounds, residents must exit the building. Participation in fire drills is required by state law. If you are confirmed to have an emotional/support animal, you are responsible for the animal during the fire drill.

Internet Access

Using Wi-Fi is convenient, but unlike other types of data connections, there are many factors to consider when Wi-Fi isn't working well. Unlike a wired connection, Wi-Fi is a shared resource. Everyone using it plays a role in making everyone else's experience better or worse. The Housing wireless service covers all residence hall common areas and bedrooms at East Texas A&M.

Wi-Fi Login for Laptops, Phones, and Tablets (How to connect to Apogee)

  • 1. If your device already has connectivity: Go to https://tamuc.apogee.us to sign in.
  • 2. If your device does not have any connectivity like your PC or MAC: When connecting for the first time, go to your wireless settings and connect to “MyResNet Start Here”. This will automatically take you to the online portal (https://tamuc.apogee.us) where you can sign in.

2. If your device does not have any connectivity like your PC or MAC: When connecting for the first time, go to your wireless settings and connect to “MyResNet Start Here”. This will automatically take you to the online portal (https://tamuc.apogee.us) where you can sign in.

  • 3. Once you are on portal https://tamuc.apogee.us:
    • Create an account
    • Copy/Remember the Wi-Fi Password/PSK that pops up on screen
    • Once account has been created, sign out of account
  • 4. Connect to the Network
    • Navigate to the wireless settings on each device
    • Connect to MyResNet-5G (Always use 5G however you can connect to MyResNet2G if your device is not 5G compatible)
    • Enter your Wi-Fi password when prompted to connect
    • Enable the “auto-join” feature
    • If you arrived at the portal via the “MyResNet Start Here” SSID – click to “forget” that SSID

Helpful Tips:

  1. MyResNet-5G: Connect to MyResnet-5G for the fastest WiFi connection. This should be your default setting.
  2. Each user's password must be unique – if someone at the same institution has the same password it will ask you to choose another password.

Need Some Help?
If you need any help, a support representative is available 24 hours a day to assist you.

  • • Call support at (855) 377-4160
  • • Email [email protected]
  • • Chat live at https://tamuc.apogee.us

If you need to access your account at any time, visit https://tamuc.apogee.us and sign in.

Internet Access Troubleshooting

If your computer sees the Housing network but the signal strength is not strong enough to provide a consistent signal, here are troubleshooting steps to follow:

  • Restart your computer
    • If you experience problems connecting to Wi-Fi right after disconnecting from a wired (Ethernet) connection or when returning to your room after being connected to Warrior Wi-Fi at other locations, try restarting your computer. This will renew your IP address and reconnect your computer to the nearest Wi-Fi access point.
  • Look for sources of potential interference
    • Older microwave ovens, Smart TVs, cordless phones, Bluetooth devices, wireless speaker systems, wireless security cameras, wireless gaming controllers, Google Chromecast, Amazon Fire Stick, and Roku devices are just some of the commonly used devices that can interfere with your ability to establish and maintain a consistent Wi-Fi connection. Older microwaves are particularly prone to cause interference, reducing Wi-Fi performance and sometimes knocking everyone off nearby Wi-Fi access points while they are running.
  • Disable wireless devices when not in use
    • Printers
      • Many personal printers have the ability to connect to Wi-Fi to do wireless printing, and this feature is sometimes enabled by default. Since wireless printers can almost always be plugged into your computer via USB, we suggest turning off the Wi-Fi on any personal printers while they are in the residence halls. Consult your owner’s manual for instructions on how to do this.
  • Other devices
    • If you go to class and leave your laptop or tablet on in your room, you aren't just wasting electricity, you are occupying a wireless channel needlessly. Just put your devices to sleep (close the lid) and wake them up again (open the lid) when you return. Closing the lid should also lock your computer screen to help keep your data secure.
  • Disable personal wireless access points
    • ETAMU prohibits the installation and use of personal Wi-Fi access points in campus residence halls. This includes cell phone hot spots. The use of such services interferes significantly with campus Wi-Fi performance.

Interpersonal Conflicts

If residents are having a conflict, first discuss the problem with each other. Do not use passive-aggressive behavior in an attempt to resolve the conflict. Face-to-face, calm discussions are always the preferred route. If a resolution for the problem cannot be found, residents are encouraged to see their Resident Assistant (RA) to schedule a roommate mediation meeting. If the RA feels the problem is not resolved, a referral will be made to the Community Director (CD). If the problem cannot be resolved, Residential Living and Learning has the right to initiate a move for one or more parties or document through the RLL judicial system.

Meal Plans

One Year and Two Years Post-High School Graduation: One Year and Two Years Post High School Graduation: Any Residential Student who enrolls in ETAMU within one (1) and two (2) years of High School graduation is required to have one of the following meal plans:

Meal Plan options: 19 Meal Plan w/$800 FLEX or 17 Meal Plan w/$800 FLEX. A meal plan can be added through your myLeo housing portal.

Three or More Years Post High School Graduation: Any Residential Student who enrolls in ETAMU three (3) or more years post High School graduation is required to have one of the following meal plans:

Meal Plan options: 19 Meal Plan w/$800 FLEX, 17 Meal Plan w/$800 FLEX, 14 Meal Plan w/$800 FLEX, 7 Meal Plan w/$800 FLEX, $1,365 FLEX Plan, and $680 FLEX Plan.

Meal Plan Exemptions, Exceptions, and Disputes: Exemptions and exceptions of the mandatory meal plan requirement will be documented and approved by both the University and Sodexo as partners. If the student is canceling their meal plan, complete the Contract Release Request (myLeo). If the student is Adding/Changing their meal plan: Complete the Add/Change form (myLeo). The deadline to cancel or change your meal plan to a meal plan of lesser cost is the 12th class day of the first semester your meal plan begins.

Network Devices

Network devices (router, switch, hub, etc.) are NOT permitted on the University's network at any time unless the University owns it and has been put in place by Information Technology or specifically has been approved by Information Technology. These devices can serve as gateways to our university's internal systems and can result in data theft, as well as other malicious activity. Additionally, they can cause conflict with our network protocols and potentially bring down the entire network. Devices (PC, Mac, etc.) that are not owned and managed by the University CANNOT be connected to our wired network in the administrative offices at any time. However, these devices can be connected to the University's public wireless network.


All motor vehicles must be properly registered with the University Police Department (UPD) at the time of class registration. All drivers should abide by University and State regulations. Parking on grass or in red curbed areas is strictly prohibited, including during all move-in/move-out processes. Any vehicles found in violation of these mandates will be referred to UPD. If a resident moves during the year to a different building, which requires a specific parking ticket, the resident should visit the Cashier's Window, located on the first floor of the Business Administration (BA) building, to change their parking permit.

Visitors parking on campus are also required to obtain a visitor parking pass. For more information, please visit the following page (University Police Department) or visit UPD in Henderson Hall.

Posting and Fliers

Campus departments and registered student organizations wishing to post fliers within the residential communities must receive approval from the Residential Living and Learning main office, located on the first floor of the Halladay Student Services building.

Failure to abide by this policy will result in the posting or flier being immediately removed and may result in your organization not being permitted to post fliers within the residential communities for the remainder of the semester.

For best results when posting fliers, please get them to the staff at a minimum of seven business days in advance! This will allow time for approval and adequate time for dissemination of information! In instances where organizations elect to chalk their advertisements, chalking must be pre-approved by the Residential Living and Learning Residential Living and Learning staff and must be within areas that are susceptible to rainfall. Staff reserves the right to remove any chalking that is inappropriate, offensive, or not approved.

Registering to Vote/Physical Address For Residential Communities

Residential Living and Learning encourages every resident eligible to register to vote. To register to vote as a campus resident in Hunt County, you will need to indicate on your voter registration the physical address of your residential community and include a mailing address, such as a local post office box, where you can receive mail. As a reminder, the individual residential communities do not provide mail services

Physical Addresses for Residential Communities
  • F Halls: 1600 Education Drive, Commerce, Texas 75428
  • New Pride: 2000 Walnut Street, Commerce, Texas 75428
  • Phase 2: 2501 West Neal Street, Commerce, Texas 75428
  • Phase 3: 2400 Hwy 24, Commerce, Texas 75428
  • Prairie Crossing: 1809 Monroe Street, Commerce, Texas, 75428
  • Pride Rock: 2513 West Halls Avenue, Commerce, Texas 75428
  • Whitley Hall: 2001 Culver Street, Commerce, Texas, 75428

Roommate Agreements

To assist in the conversations that are needed to build strong relationships with those within your floor communities, and your room, residents are strongly encouraged to work with their Resident Assistants (RAs) to complete their Roommate Agreements. Roommate Agreements will be available during the beginning of the semester and revisited during situations where roommates are in conflict. Residents are required to abide by the stipulations of the agreements.

Room/Apartment Entry and Search

The University recognizes residents' desire for privacy, particularly in the context of their group living situation, and will do all it can to protect and guarantee their privacy. However, the University, through a Residential Living and Learning staff member, reserves the right to enter a resident's room/apartment at any time for the following purposes:

· To determine compliance with all relevant health and safety regulations.

· To provide cleaning, maintenance work and/or pest control.

· To conduct an inventory of university property.

· To silence unattended loud alarms or music.

· If there is an indication of imminent danger to life, health and/or property.

· If there is a reasonable cause to believe that a violation of university or housing regulations is occurring.

· To search for missing university property.

A room search by a designated Residential Living and Learning staff member is possible but rare. For such a search to take place, the conditions for room entry must exist.

Sexual Harassment/Violence

In accordance with A&M System Policy 08.01.01.R2 sexual harassment is defined as “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, non-verbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature when this conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it: Explicitly or implicitly affect an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work or educational performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or educational environment.”

Sexual Violence is defined by the Texas A&M System as “a form of sexual harassment. [Sexual Violence] refers to sexual acts perpetrated against the victim’s will or where the victim is incapable of giving consent due to the use of drugs, alcohol, or due to an intellectual or other disability. Examples include rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.” East Texas A&M encourages the reporting of harassment, discrimination, sexual and/or relationship misconduct by victims and witnesses. Please visit the Title IX website to complete the reporting form or to contact the Title IX Coordinator for TAMUC, contact our University Police Department, or seek the assistance of a Residential Living and Learning staff member.

Syringe Disposal

Residents required to use needles for medical reasons are prohibited from disposing of them within a regular trash bag/can and are required to utilize a puncture-proof container. If no container is available, please take used needles to the Student Health Services. Containers are available through the Student Health Services. Please visit them in Henderson Hall or contact them at (903) 886-5853 for more information. If you find a syringe or other sharps that is not secured, do not touch it; secure the area. Contact Residential Living and Learning Staff immediately.

Break Housing

Break housing is available on a limited basis to residents during winter and Spring Break. Break housing is available on a limited basis to residents during winter and Spring Break. Residential Living and Learning reserves the right to consolidate residents during break periods as the need arises. Residents are not required to move all of their possessions out while away on breaks; however, the University does not accept responsibility for the loss or damage to personal property that is left within rooms during these time periods. Break housing applications and associated fees will be available through the Housing portal within the student's myLeo account. Residents who are staying over the break will need to complete this application within the specified time to be guaranteed break housing. Residents who leave items in their room during the Winter Break and do not return for the full Spring term will be charged the full break fee. No guests are permitted during winter break aside from fellow residents who are approved to stay over break assigned to the same hall.


All residents are provided with a move-in date and time via myLeo housing portal. Please follow that schedule to assist in traffic flow. Any early arrivals will need special permission in advance from the Assistant Director of Occupancy Management. Approved early arrivals will be charged an additional fee.


All residents should check out of their assigned space within 24 hours of their last exam or by 8:00 pm on the last day of Finals week. The residence halls close at 5 pm on the last day of Exam week. At that time, all residents are required to be out of the building. All extenuating circumstances must be cleared through the individual Community Director. If approved to stay late, residents will be charged a fee.


The Department of Residential Living and Learning reserves the right to consolidate single occupants of rooms that are not assigned as private rooms. Consolidation permits staff to make room for students housed in temporary assignments, facilitate cleaning and maintenance of rooms, and support the private room policy. If a resident does not have a roommate, they are required to keep the other half of the room available to move a student into that space at any time. If a resident is found to have violated this policy, the resident will be charged the private room rate or consolidated into another room.

Housing Requirement

To be eligible to be housed on campus, students must be enrolled full-time or approved by the Director of Residential Living and Learning. Full-time attendance for undergraduate students is defined as being enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours in the fall and spring semester; and six credit hours in the fall and spring for graduate students. To be eligible for summer housing, both undergraduate and graduate students must be enrolled in a minimum of three credit hours each term. Any exceptions to these requirements must be approved by emailing: [email protected].


The Department of Residential Living and Learning reserves the right to reassign students to other apartments, rooms, or halls when determined to be in the best interest of individuals and/or groups of students, availability of spaces, or to address student conduct concerns. Residents are able to confirm their housing assignment and roommate information by reviewing their Housing portal under myLeo.

Reapplication Process

The reapplication process allows residents to reapply for a hall assignment for the upcoming academic year. Reapplication information is available on the Residential Living and Learning website, publicized within the halls, and through the students’ myLeo account.

Removal from Housing

If a student receives notification of a removal from housing, they will have 48 hours to vacate their assigned space. Failure to do so may result in being criminally trespassed from campus.

Room Changes/Waitlist

During the application process, there are times when desired halls or spaces are filled prior to your assigned application time. If this is the case, you are able to sign-up on the waitlist for that desired hall or space. Residential Living and Learning staff will do their best to work through the waitlist and to honor all requests. For more information pertaining to the waitlist please visit the Residential Living and Learning website.

A student may submit a room change request through the Room Change/Waitlist request in the myLeo housing portal. Please note that room changes will not be approved until Residential Living and Learning Staff has been able to ensure that all residents have arrived and residents located in temporary housing have been placed in their permanent assignments. Residents are encouraged to speak to their Resident Assistant or Community Director if they have concerns with their room assignment.

Room Charges

Room charges are assessed to the students myLeo account prior to the beginning of each semester. These charges are payable to the University according to published deadlines. Failure to pay room fees or tuition may result in a loss of your housing contract. To avoid this, please contact the University to set up payment or enroll in a payment plan.

Room Condition Report (RCR)

Prior to arrival upon campus, the Residential Living and Learning (RLL) staff inspect each room. During this inspection, the Resident Assistants (RAs) document damages and/ or issues within the room and place work orders to address any concerns. Upon arrival to their assigned room, students inspect the room and complete the Room Condition Report via their Roompact account. Students have 72 hours after check-in to submit their Room Condition Report.

Summer School Housing

Limited housing is available for students taking classes over the summer. Residents must be registered for a minimum of three credit hours for the semester in which they are seeking housing or receive permission to stay. Information regarding summer housing will be sent out to the student's myLeo account and is available on our website.


Students withdrawing from the university must first notify the university Registrar's office to receive withdrawal forms and provide them to RLL to be released through the Contract Release form in the myLeo Housing portal. A student must check out of the residence hall within 48 hours of withdrawing.

In addition to the Code of Student Conduct, residents are required to abide by the Department of Residential Living and Learning Community Standards. Any violations of the following policies and those outline in the Code of Student Conduct may result in the student being referred to the student conduct process.


In accordance with System Police 34.03, Alcoholic Beverages- alcohol is permitted in “University Apartments and Residence Hall room (individuals 21 years or older).” Alcohol is strictly prohibited in the assigned spaces of residents under 21 years of age. Residents who are at least 21 years of age are permitted to have alcohol in their assigned bedroom (this does not include common areas) in accordance with Texas law. Texas law requires individuals must be at least 21 years of age to purchase, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages. In addition to this, all residents are held to the following standards:

  1. Residents are prohibited from being in possession of empty alcohol containers, including decoration.
  2. Residents are prohibited from possessing items that can be used for rapid consumption. Examples include but are not limited to, shot glasses (if under 21), funnels, ice luges, and kegs.
  3. Residents less than 21 years of age, many not knowingly be in the presence of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol.
  4. Residents will not possess, share, sell, or use kegs, beer bongs, beer balls, or other common-source containers of alcohol, nor will they possess a large quantity of alcohol or alcohol containers intended for or used by a group rather than an individual.
  5. Residents may not be visibly intoxicated.
  6. Residents will not manufacture or sell alcohol either directly or indirectly.
  7. Residents may not display advertisements of alcohol that are visible outside of their assigned residence hall/apartment.
  8. Residents will not provide or serve alcohol to anyone less than 21 years of age, nor will they host or promote an event where alcohol is present and any guest who is less than 21 years of age is in attendance.
  9. Residents will not possess or consume alcohol in public places, including, but not limited to, lounges, study rooms, hallways, entryways, elevators, stairwells, balconies, terraces and decks. If the door of the residence hall room/apartment is open, the space is considered a public place.
  10. Residents guest's, regardless of age, are not permitted to consume alcohol.


Starting a fire, no matter the size, within a residence hall or within the immediate surroundings outside a residence hall is strictly prohibited. Violations of this rule may also be considered a violation of state law, including setting fire to items on a door, bulletin board, or any other flammable material within the residence hall. Grilling is only permitted within designated grill areas.

Assistance or Service Animals

Assistance Animals (as defined by the Fair Housing Act; sometimes called Emotional Support Animals) and Service Animals (as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act) are allowed in the residence halls and university apartments. Students needing an assistance animal must be approved prior to the animal arriving on campus by the Office of Student Disability Services and Residential Living and Learning. Assistance Animals (as defined by the Fair Housing Act) are only permitted in the student's assigned apartment or room. Requests for assistance animals must be approved in writing before the resident brings the animal on campus, and residents approved for an assistance animal must abide by guidelines set by the Office of Student Disability Services and Residential Living and Learning to maintain approval to have the animal in the residential community. Residential Living and Learning works in conjunction with the Office of Student Disability Services to authorize the use of an assistance animal. Please contact the Office of Student Disability Services, located at Gee Library, Room 162, or call (903) 468-5150 to initiate the approval process if you need an assistance animal in the residence hall or university apartments.


Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters may not be secured to permanent fixtures such as trees and railings. They may only be secured to designated bike racks. Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters secured to permanent fixtures in a residence hall or community will be removed at the owner's expense. Residents are encouraged to register their bicycles with the University Police Department.

Business/Private Enterprise

Using your physical or internet address to conduct private entrepreneurial ventures by you, your family, or visitors from your residential community is prohibited.


Cooking in the residence halls is allowed with approved cooking appliances only (see unapproved appliances and household items policy for more information). Residents are responsible for ensuring that proper sanitation, ventilation, and fire safety precautions are taken. Cooking is only permitted in apartment kitchens and residence hall community kitchens unless using a microwave. Community kitchens must be kept clean at all times (dishes clean, food stored properly, etc.). Any damages resulting from improper use of kitchens or food disposal will be billed to the individual(s) responsible.

Cooperation with Residential Living and Learning Staff

Your Residential Living and Learning Staff members are University officials. Residents are expected to comply with any reasonable request by Residential Living and Learning Staff when doing their jobs. Verbal and/or physical abuse directed toward any Residential Living and Learning staff member is prohibited.

Damage to Residential Living and Learning Property

Damage to or vandalizing (including littering) of Residential Living and Learning property is not permitted. This includes but is not limited to failure to take personal trash to the dumpster, negligence/failure to notify RLL of maintenance issues that worsen over time, such as leaks and/ or mold, and disorderly conduct or defacing (intentionally or unintentionally) of any internal or external residence hall spaces. If a specific person cannot be identified or there is reason to believe community members are responsible, the entire floor/wing/community may be billed for damages to the area.

Door Propping/Pulling

Due to safety concerns, propping or forceful pulling open any residence hall door, including laundry room doors, is strictly prohibited. Residents responsible for this violation will be charged $50 per instance to their student account.

Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia

In accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, possession, consumption, sales and/ or manufacturing of illegal drugs are prohibited by Texas State Law. Additionally, items that could be considered drug paraphernalia, including but not limited to: vaporizers, tobacco wrapping paper and “bongs” are prohibited.

Fire Safety

All residence halls are equipped with fire safety equipment. This includes but is not limited to, smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, pull stations, fire and evacuation signs, and fire exit doors. Residents and their guests are required to abide by the following policies and guidelines:

  1. Residents are not permitted to tamper with or destroy fire safety equipment. Please see the Code of Conduct.
  2. Residents are required to exit the building during all fire alarms.
  3. Residents are not permitted to possess items with an open flame, whether lit or not, such as candles.
  4. Residents are permitted one UL-approved power strip per wall outlet and are prohibited from plugging one power strip into another. All major appliances (refrigerators and microwaves) must be plugged directly into the wall outlet. Extension cords, including light strings, are prohibited.
  5. Residents are prohibited from pulling on or propping any Fire Exit or Exterior Building Door.
  6. Emergency exits are to be used for emergency evacuations. The misuse of emergency exits will be documented and handled judicially, which could result in a fine and/ or disciplinary action.
  7. Paths to the exit door, windows, hallways, and safety equipment should be kept clear at all times.
  8. Fireworks, Smoke Bombs, and Explosives of any kind are not permitted within the entire campus community.
  9. Only 20% of each side of room doors may be decorated.
  10. Tampering with the electrical/wiring system, painting, and installing any additional property is prohibited.
  11. Covering or removing smoke detectors may incur a fine of up to $500 and may result in removal from Housing.
  12. Storing or using electric vehicles (e.g., e-scooters, e-bikes, e-skateboards, etc.), including batteries, is not permitted and may incur a fine of up to $500, confiscation, and/or resident removal from Housing.


Each student room is provided with the proper RLL furniture. Residents are to abide by the following:

  1. Residents are prohibited from placing furniture to block access to windows, air vents, air conditioning and heating units.
  2. Residents are prohibited from placing furniture provided by Residential Living and Learning outdoors, including patios.
  3. At the conclusion of their contract, residents are required to return all furniture to its original position and location within their assigned space.
  4. Residents are required to report any damage to or missing furniture during the term of their contract. Intentional damage, damage due to negligence, or a failure to follow Community Standards will likely result in fines and/ or fees for repair or replacement.
  5. Residents are prohibited from removing University furniture from their space/room.
  6. Residents are prohibited from utilizing a waterbed within their room.
  7. Residents are prohibited from utilizing additional furniture within their room without approval from their Community Director.


The State of Texas prohibits gambling, whether for money or not, from occurring on the University premises. Residents are prohibited from participating in gambling activities.


Guests are any person(s) who is a non-student, student, or resident of a different residential community space than your own. Each resident may host up to two (2) guests at any given time. However, a resident must register any guests they choose to host via the front desk of their hall or the Guest Registration Form via Roompact. All unapproved guests will be asked to depart the residential community immediately. Additionally, when hosting guests, residents must adhere to the following:

  • The resident(s) is not permitted to have more than the maximum number of individuals in their assigned room/suite/apartment at a time.
    • Max Guests for the Entire Unit
      • PR & P2 = 4 (+2 occupants) = 6 individuals
      • P3 = 4 (+2 occupants) = 6 individuals
      • P3 Single = 2 (+1 occupant) = 3 individuals
      • WH Single = 2 (+1 occupant) = 3 individuals
      • PC/NP 2/2 = 4 (+2 occupants) = 6 individuals
      • PC/NP 4/2 = 2 (+4 occupants) = 6 individuals
      • PC 1-bed = 2 (+1 occupant) = 3 individuals
  • Resident(s) planning to have overnight guests must receive permission from any roommates/apartment-mates/suitemates at least 24 hours in advance and register via the Guest Registration Form on Roompact. Overnight guests may not stay more than 48 hours unless the host has been granted permission by their respective Community Director (CD).
  • Resident(s) are responsible for accompanying any guest while the guest is in the residential community (i.e., do not leave a guest in your space while you go to class, do not let your guest go to other floors without you, etc.).
  • No guests are permitted during winter break aside from fellow residents approved to stay over break assigned to the same hall.
  • Residents are responsible for their guests’ behavior, including whether the guests comply with the directives of any University employee.
  • Cohabitation in the residence halls is a violation of the contract between the Department of Residential Living and Learning and the resident. Cohabitation is defined as hosting any visitor (resident or non-resident) exceeding 48 hours within a given week without permission from the Community Director (CD).


In accordance with university and state law regulations for firearms on campus, the possession of guns/ firearms without a license is prohibited. The open carrying of handguns is prohibited on campus with or without a license (see Texas Government Code Section 411.2031 and Texas A&M University system policy 34.06.02R1). Any resident of campus housing who has a handgun license holder and wants to store a handgun in his/her assigned room must provide their own safe, intended and manufactured for handgun storage. The resident may not provide access to their safe to any other individual. Failure to comply with this rule may result in removal from campus housing and will be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. For additional information regarding guns/firearms on campus, please visit the Handguns on Campus website.

Horseplay and Pranks

Water fights, water balloons, water guns, toy guns, darts, and any other horseplay, including wrestling and running in the hallways/lounges, with water and/or other substances, are prohibited. Residents will be subject to disciplinary actions and/or held responsible for any damages associated with this behavior.

Health and Safety Inspections (HSIs)

Residential Living and Learning Staff will conduct Health and Safety Inspections four to six times yearly. These checks will be announced and are made to ensure that University property is being used properly, reasonable standards of room cleanliness, safety, and sanitation are being observed, maintenance needs are reported, RLL procedures are being observed, and all directives of the State Fire Marshal and Fire Safety procedures are being observed. Residents do not have to be present during Health and Safety Inspections.


Residents are provided with a Lion Card or Mobile Credential access, which, in some cases, serves as the residents' room key. For other residents, access to their space is provided via a physical key, checked out to them during move-in. For the safety of our community, keys are only issued to a resident for access to the assigned room/apartment. Lion Card and Mobile Credentials are encoded with the ability to grant access to the appropriate doors designated with card readers. The Lion Card/Mobile Credential access will only function for the assigned community of residence (for example, in New Pride, you have a physical key to your space, but your student ID allows access to the laundry facilities within New Pride).

Residents are required to abide by the following requirements regarding Identification and Keys:

  1. Lion Cards and physical keys are property of ETAMU and are non-transferable. Possession of a Lion Card or physical key by anyone other than the owner is a violation of University regulations. Using a Lion Card or physical key by anyone other than the owner will result in the resident going through the conduct process and is subject to criminal prosecution.
  2. Residents and their guests are required to provide identification (preferably a Lion Card) to Front Desk staff upon entry to any residential community and/ or when requested by Residential Living and Learning staff. Failure to provide identification may result in being escorted from the building, criminal prosecution, and/ or going through the conduct process.
  3. To control the inventory of the keys, duplication of University keys is prohibited.

Noise/Courtesy Hours

Quiet hours are in effect every day from 10:00 pm to 10:00 am. Residents and their guests are expected to be considerate of roommates and neighbors 24 hours a day. This includes noise from surrounding apartments or rooms, residential facilities (lobbies, kitchens, etc.), and residential parking lots/garages.

24-hour quiet hours will begin the week before exam week of each semester and remain in effect until the conclusion of the exam period.


Fish are the only pets permitted in the residence halls and may only utilize one tank no more than 10 gallons in size. Any pet or proof of pet, including stray animals, found in or around a resident's room will need to be removed immediately and will result in a fine of $500 + $100/day until removal. Residential Living and Learning and/ or SSC staff will inspect the resident's living space upon confirmation the animal has been removed to assess any damage. Residents may be assessed additional charges for additional cleaning/disinfecting/ damage, as well as a $100 per day charge for any pet and pet items that were not immediately removed.

Please note if a full carpet replacement is necessary, the minimum cost begins at $3,500. If you are aware of any stray animals in the area, please contact UPD at (903) 886-5868 to request removal. For information about Assistance Animals, see Assistance Animals policy.

Prohibited Items

Due to safety and security concerns, the following items are strictly prohibited within the residence halls. Electrical balance/hoverboards/scooters/skateboards, sun lamps/tanning beds, shopping carts, string lights, scented plug-ins, warmers, multiple socket boxes, electric blankets, gasoline cans, candles, incense, oil lamps, extension cords, space heaters. This list is not all-inclusive; any item that poses health and safety risks to the community, poses a risk of damaging University property, and/ or negatively impacts building function and operations is prohibited.

Restricted Areas

All residents and their guests must abide by the following policies regarding restricted areas:

  1. No student shall not enter any residential building, office, attic, roof, or other restricted area within the residential community.
  2. Students who have been trespassed from a residence hall floor, building, or area are required to abide by the stipulations of that agreement

Room Modifications/Decoration

Residence Hall rooms are equipped with items that have been deemed to be fire-preventative and safe. Residents are required to abide by the following policies regarding room modifications/decoration:

  1. Residents are required to leave their room in the same condition as found on their room condition report
  2. Residents are prohibited from painting their rooms
  3. Residents are prohibited from using command strips or other materials to hang items. These items remove paint from walls. Failure to abide by this policy will result in a fee being assessed to the student's account.
  4. Residents may use industrial pushpins and small picture-hanging nails to hang items.
  5. Students who place items in windows that the University determines to be offensive and/or obscene will be asked to remove the items immediately and are subject to the conduct process
  6. No additional lock mechanisms may be installed in room doors
  7. Residents will assume responsibility for any damage beyond normal wear and tear to residential facilities
  8. Residents are not permitted to use double-sided tape on any surface as it will cause excessive damage

Room Occupancy

Residential Living and Learning reserves the right to limit the number of individuals in an apartment or residence hall room or at a university apartment or residence hall event in cases where the safety of occupants may be a concern or where the noise level in the room violates either the quiet hours or courtesy hour rules.


Residential Living and Learning does not allow solicitation by students, outside groups, student organizations, or companies in the residence halls without prior approval from the Director of RLL or designee.


Smoking of any substance, including e-cigarettes and vapes, is prohibited in all campus facilities, including porches, balconies, stairwells, sidewalks, and enclosed inner courtyards. The smell of smoke, ashes, tobacco, and/or illegal substances is prohibited. Possession of smoking devices, such as pipes, hookahs, vape pens, etc., within the residential community is also prohibited.

Tampering with Locks

Residents are encouraged to ensure that their assigned space is secure at all times and that locks are always in working order. Tampering with locks, including disabling locks and breaking locks, is strictly prohibited.


In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, theft of any kind, including seizing, receiving or concealing property with knowledge that it has been stolen, is prohibited. Sale, possession, or misappropriation of any property or services without the owner's permission is also prohibited.

Traffic Signs

Residents may not remove, store, or be in possession (including having their assigned living space) of traffic signs. In accordance with the State of Texas Transportation Code Section 544.005 the State of Texas prohibits the possession of any traffic sign, including but not limited to: state, city, directional, and informational signs.

Unapproved Appliances and Household Items

To help provide a safe environment for all residents, all items brought into the residence communities (including apartments) must be approved for use. Items that have an open heating source or pose a threat to fire safety are not permitted within any residential community (including apartments). This includes but is not limited to Halogen lamps/bulbs, hot plates, rice cookers, air fryers, crock pots, coffee pots, deep fryers, broilers, and toaster ovens.

Unoccupied Room/Bed Spaces

Residents may not occupy or otherwise make use of rooms or bed spaces that they are not assigned to, including for storage of items or hosting guests.


In accordance with ETAMU System Policy 34.06.02, weapons are not allowed in the residential community or in vehicles on Residential Living and Learning property without proper authorization. Due to safety and security concerns, the following items are strictly prohibited within the residence halls: Weapons that may cause damage to the building or to other students including, but not limited to paintball guns, airsoft guns, nerf-type guns, ammunition, pellet or BB guns, slingshots, arrows, axes, machetes, brass knuckles, nun chucks, throwing stars, Tasers, knives, and guns/ firearms (without a license to carry). See the Guns/ Firearms policy for guidance on the legal possession of firearms on/ around campus.

Windows and Window Screens

Windows, including screens, may not be removed or altered in any way. In instances where windows have been permanently locked due to safety concerns, residents may not alter, unscrew, or unlock them. No articles may be thrown or hung from windows. The threshold of all windows and balconies may not be crossed at any time for any reason.

Wireless Routers

Apogee, an outside contractor, provides wireless for the residential communities. Residents are not allowed to have routers. The use of a router in residential communities is a policy violation.

Blue Emergency Phones

There are many emergency phones located throughout campus. These phones can be identified by a blue light on top of the phone. Some phones are mounted to buildings, and others are on a pedestal. All phones say “Emergency” on the side and are a direct link to UPD's emergency dispatchers.

Door Access System

Residential Living and Learning has placed security access doors on many of their doors in the residential communities. Residents are prohibited from propping these doors as it may cause permanent damage to the system and to the individual door, as well as permit entry to non-University affiliated individuals within the halls. If you see a door propped or broken, please inform your Residential Living and Learning Staff immediately so that this may be addressed.

Fire Alarm System

Each building is equipped with a fire alarm system. Residents are required to evacuate the building during the sounding of all alarms unless told otherwise by a member of the building staff and/or the University Police Department. Residents are prohibited from tampering with these systems, including but not limited to pulling fire alarms when no fire or threat of fire is present, playing with fire extinguishers, covering smoke detectors, and hanging items on or playing with the sprinkler system within the building. Failure to adhere to this policy could result in a fine of up to $500. (See Policy and Procedures for evacuation plans.)

When an alarm sounds, residents should do the following:

  1. Immediately close windows.
  2. Grab keys, phone, and University ID card.
  3. Wake your roommate and inform them of the alarm.
  4. Put on shoes and grab a jacket (if during night and/or colder months)
  5. Check the door or doorknob. If it is cool, open it and proceed toward the closest emergency exit to the assigned meeting location. If it is hot, do not open it; place a towel under the door. If smoke is either seen or smelled, call 911 and inform them of your location.
  6. Leave the door closed and walk to the exit. If smoke is encountered, stay low for air.
  7. Do not use an elevator.
  8. Do not re-enter the building until cleared by UPD or a Residential Living and Learning staff member

Lion Safe App

The University Police Department, along with Campus Operations and Safety, has created the Lion Safe App. This app contains valuable safety instructions, along with a mobile blue light phone, a friend walk app, an up-to-date weather app, and much more. It can be found in the Google Play Store and the Apple Store and is provided at no charge.

Outdoor Warning System (OWS)

The Outdoor Warning Systems are known by many as “tornado sirens” or just “sirens”. However, it is important to understand that the Outdoor Warning System is designed for all hazards. As the name implies, the system is designed for people that are outdoors. Those who are indoors may not be able to hear the OWS for various reasons (radio or television is on, vacuum cleaner going, etc.). The OWS should only be used as a supplemental warning tool for individuals. OWS can be used to alert citizens of tornadoes, hail, hazardous material incidents, civil emergencies, and any other impending hazard that could adversely affect the lives and property in the general vicinity.

Pride Alert Warning System (PAWS)

The Pride Alert Warning System (PAWS) is a mass notification system used to inform students, faculty, and staff of school closings and emergency situations. If you wish to participate, sign up on myLeo under apps. In the event of severe weather, school closing, or any other emergency, you will be contacted via phone call, text messages, and email.

Smoke Detectors

Each residence hall room is equipped with a smoke detector. Smoke detectors in rooms are inspected annually by the Department of Campus Operations and Safety. If at any time the smoke detector starts beeping periodically, it may mean the batter needs to be replaced. Submit a work order for the battery to be replaced. Do not remove the smoke detector; this is a direct violation of RLL Policy, notifying UPD to respond to your residence.

Sprinkler System

In addition to the fire alarm system, sprinklers have been installed in many residential communities. These are for the safety and protection of the residents, their belongings, and the property of the University. According to the NFPA 2018, nothing can be stacked, stored, or constructed within 18 inches of a sprinkler head (non-sprinkler residential communities are 24” from the ceiling). Hanging objects from sprinkler heads is strictly prohibited. Report any damage to the sprinkler system to the front desk of your residential community immediately.

Ways to protect yourself and your property

The University is not responsible for the loss, theft, or damage to students' money, valuables, or other personal effects. The University does not provide insurance to cover such losses. Students should check their parents'/guardian's insurance to ensure that the policy covers the student's personal possessions while at East Texas A&M University. If the parents' insurance does not provide such coverage, students are advised to purchase renter's insurance. The following tips, if properly and consistently employed, will help prevent the most common losses sustained by residents:

  1. Keep rooms locked at all times. Residents should not loan their keys to anyone. Promptly report the loss of a room key to a Residential Living and Learning staff member.
  2. To lessen personal losses, carry renter's insurance on valuable items and keep a record of all serial numbers on the property. UPD offers a free service for engraving and logging serial numbers.
  3. Keep cars/motorcycles locked. Store valuables out of sight.
  4. Register Bicycles with UPD upon arrival on campus and keep them locked at all times when not in use. Bicycle racks are provided within all residential areas and adjacent to many academic buildings.
  5. Be aware of your surroundings. Promptly report any suspicious persons or activities to UPD by calling (903) 568-5868
  6. Property/Renters Insurance: Residents residing within a residence hall are sometimes covered under their parent/legal guardians' current homeowners or renters' insurance. The Department highly encourages you to purchase a renters insurance policy offered through many insurance companies. These policies will be effective in such incidents as fire, theft, flood, and other casualties that may cause damage to a resident's property. For more information on these policies please click here to be taken to the Residential Living and Learning Insurance website.

Duty Phone Numbers

Each residential community has student and professional staff on duty from 5:00 pm until 8:00 am Monday through Friday and 24 hours a day on weekends as well as when the campus is closed (such as holidays) to respond to resident needs in their area. See below under “Residential Community Contact Information” for the duty staff phone number for your residential community. The student staff available at the duty number listed below are all staff that live in the building, change nightly, and are trained to provide assistance. They can assist with lockouts, lower-level community, facility, and personal issues and can connect you to professional staff for more emergent issues. It is important to note if you have a medical or other emergency, always call 911 first.

Front Desks

Each residential community has a front desk that is responsible for serving that area. Each traditional hall front desk (Phase 2, Phase 3, Pride Rock, and Whitley) is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by Desk Assistants unless otherwise noted (such as during holidays or break periods). Apartment community front desks (New Pride and Prairie Crossing & F-Halls) are staffed daily from 8:00 am-10:00 pm by Desk Assistants. Desk Assistants are student staff who are there to assist in answering general questions and refer you to the appropriate resources when needed. The front desks provide access to the community kitchens and gaming equipment, such as pool sticks, and can assist with temporary keys for your assigned space. To check out anything from the Front Desk, you must be a resident of that particular building and provide your Lion Card/Mobile Credentials.

Residential Living & Learning Office Office Open Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm   [email protected] 903-886-5797
New Pride Front Desk Open Daily 8 am – 10 pm Justin Norman [email protected] Front Desk: 903-468-4422 Duty: 903-468-2603
Phase 2 Front Desk Open 24/7 Gerardo Rea [email protected] Front Desk: 903-468-3072 Duty: 903-468-2629
Phase 3 Front Desk Open 24/7 Vanessa Luckenbihl [email protected] Front Desk: 903-468-4413 Duty: 903-468-2082
Prairie Crossing & F-Halls Front Desk Open Daily 8 am – 10 pm Aiyana Bell [email protected] Front Desk: 903-468-3010 Duty: 903-468-2600
Pride Rock Front Desk Open 24/7 Justin Norman [email protected] Front Desk: 903-468-4078 Duty: 903-468-2597
Whitley Front Desk Open 24/7 Aiyana Bell [email protected] Front Desk: 903-886-5790 Duty: 903-468-2632


All residence halls are equipped with free laundry facilities within the building/complex. Only residents of each hall or area will have card access to these facilities. Allowing non-residents to gain access to these facilities is a violation of hall policy. Please report any mechanical difficulties to your hall desk or building staff immediately.

Vending Machines

A variety of vending machines offering access to drinks and snacks are available within the residence halls. While not all of them are capable, some have the ability to accept Lion Cash, cash, and/or credit cards. For refunds and/or other concerns regarding the vending machines, please contact the Lion Card Office at [email protected].

Within the Department of Residential Living and Learning, there are several opportunities to become involved and gain valuable experiences that will truly impact your collegiate career and enhance your overall residential experience. Below are a few of the opportunities that we provide.

Become a Student Staff Member

It truly is a great opportunity and professional development experience to be a student staff member. Our student staff are comprised of Desk Assistants (DAs) and Resident Assistants (RAs). The hiring processes for these positions traditionally begin toward the end of the fall semester. If you are interested in joining our student staff team, please contact [email protected] for more information. All RLL student staff positions are listed on Hirealion when open.

Hall Programming

Your building staff, in conjunction with your Community Director (CD), hosts a wide variety of programs throughout the academic year. The goal of these programs is to provide opportunities for residents to cultivate relationships with others in their buildings, as well as be connected to their campus resources. Examples of traditional programs include Welcome Back Bar-B-Ques and Halloween in d 'Skies, which is a Halloween party hosted in the Prairie Crossing garage. If you are interested in assisting or have ideas for programming, please contact your RA or HC.

Custodial and Maintenance (operated by SSC, a 3rd party contractor)

The custodians within the buildings are responsible for normal cleaning duties in public areas, such as community bathrooms, lounges, laundry rooms, hallways, etc. Residents are responsible for any supplies needed and the cleaning of their rooms/apartments, bathrooms, and kitchens. Full-time maintenance staff is responsible for making repairs within the residence hall. All maintenance concerns should be reported through the work order process via the housing portal in your myLeo account. Residents are not permitted to make their own repairs to spaces.

If you have any maintenance issues with your room, bathroom, common area, grounds, lounge, etc., please submit a work order. For emergencies that occur after business hours and on weekends, please contact the RA on Duty for your assigned residence hall. An emergency can include but is not limited to an active water leak, a broken window or door that would prohibit the unit from being secured, no working toilet in a unit that only has one bathroom, and no hot water. In case of smoke or fire, call 911.


Each resident is required to purchase a meal plan. Sodexo operates campus dining at various locations across campus. Current campus dining includes Lions Mane Cafeteria, Lion’s Lockers, Check-fil-A, Starbucks, and Jimmy Johns. Please click here to be taken to the dining website to review the variety of meal plan options and to learn more about our dining options on campus. For special dietary needs, please contact Student Disability Services via email at [email protected] or 903-886-5150.

Mail Services

Individual residence halls are not permitted to receive mail. Students wanting to receive mail/packages can do so by purchasing a PO Box from the East Texas A&M Post Office located across from the Music Building and Memorial Stadium. The post office will perform a visual verification of residency by one of two ways: you will login to the housing portal to show your current booking information under “My Housing information” or show the confirmation email received with your signed housing contracts. The cost is $84 per year or $42 for 6 months.

Residents are also able to receive packages through the package locker system located at Whitley Hall (next to the main residential front entrance).

How it works: You can receive packages to be picked up in Whitley Hall by following the steps below. Have your package shipped to:

East Texas A&M University

Student's Full Name: First or Preferred (no nicknames) and Last

Student's Residence Hall Name (Example: Phase 3)

2600 South Neal Street

Commerce, TX 75428

**Note: Failure to include the above information will result in the package being lost, delayed or returned. Packages will be returned if the 2600 Neal Street address is not used.

When the package arrives, the receiving staff will place the package in a locker. The resident will receive an email from [email protected] with a locker assignment, QR code and numerical code to access the specific locker. Once the QR code is scanned or numerical code is entered at the kiosk, the locker will automatically open for the resident to receive their package. Packages received on the weekend will be processed and delivered the next business day.

Hours of operation (package lockers only): you may pick up your package 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you have questions regarding this new service, feel free to email [email protected].

Lion Card Access Office

As a resident on campus, you are required to always have your Lion Card/Mobile Credentials available. Your Lion Card/Mobile Credentials provide you access to your buildings, and within Phase 2, Phase 3, and Pride Rock provide access to your individual rooms. If this card is lost, you are required to purchase a replacement card for $10. If after business hours, please contact your front office, who will be able to assist you in obtaining a temporary card. If the temporary card is lost, there will be a fine of $10.

Click here for more information on how to set up your Lion Card credentials on your mobile device.

University Police Department (UPD)

The ETAMU University Police Department (UPD) is here to assist in the overall safety and security of the University and all residence halls. Our UPD officers are visible within the residential community on their bikes and golf- carts and even conduct rounds of the individual buildings. They also manage the many security cameras located around campus to ensure the safety of our community. They are here to assist you with any of your safety concerns. They also provide a list of services such as: assisting with jump-starting a car or assisting with lockouts. For a complete list of all of the services provided please visit the following page (University Police Department) or visit UPD in Henderson Hall for more information.

Contact Us

  • Halladay Student Services Building, Suite 100
  • 1809 Lee St.
  • Commerce, TX 75428
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