WHO WE are

Texas A&M University-Commerce is a public regional university dedicated to serving the professional needs of students and employers by providing quality education in Northeast Texas and beyond. Our comprehensive approach to education includes high-quality teaching paired with high-quality research. We are committed to cultivating business leaders ready to make a positive impact in the world.


The vision of the College of Business is to shape the future of businesses and the communities in Northeast Texas and beyond through innovative education that builds effective business leaders and transforms lives.


The mission of the College of Business is to inspire transformational learning, create applied knowledge and forge impactful connections that contribute to society.


In support of our mission, we value:

  • Integrity and Respect: We conduct business with the highest integrity and mutual respect in all our endeavors.
  • Engagement: We foster engagement with all our stakeholders.
  • Innovation: We strive toward the latest technology and continuous improvement.
  • Social Responsibility: We conduct ourselves in a socially responsible and transparent manner.

Strategic Initiatives


1.1.1 Establish stable enrollment increase
1.1.2 Establish stable increase in undergraduate retention
1.1.3 Establish stable increase in graduate retention

  • Reach out extensively to at-risk students (defined by the university)
  • Visit various locations for recruitment frequently (including faculty, staff and students)
  • Offer meaningful scholarships
  • Organize level-up events for seniors to mentor prospective and at-risk students
  • Create meaningful out-of-class interactions with students and faculty
  • Engage with area schools in activities like business plan competitions, business simulation games and business case simulations
  • Increase outreach in growing cities
Measures of Success
  • Increase SCH produced by 2% annually
  • Distribute maximum-possible scholarship funds (annually budgeted), as determined by Philanthropy and Engagement
  • Increase at-risk student retention by a minimum of 5% annually
  • Produce videos created by each course owner
  • Aim for 5% of graduating senior class to enroll in graduate programs
  • Aim for 75% of identified students to view their personalized videos
Resources Needed
  • Scholarship budget
  • Tutoring and mentoring sessions budget
  • Annual marketing budget
  • Travel budget each semester annually every two years
  • Monitored each semester
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


1.2.1 Improve six-year graduation rate

  • Organize at-risk student events
  • Reach out to students who do not return the following semester
  • Provide mentoring
  • Provide career coaching
Measures of Success
  • Increase yearly graduating student number by 1%
  • Recruit 20 alumni to mentor students
  • Decrease D, F and W (withdrawal) rates by 5%
  • Aim for an average of 50% at-risk students attending events
Resources Needed
  • Budget for events
  • Alumni mentoring resources
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


1.3.1 Improve core competency assessment results
1.3.2 Update required core competencies according to market need

  • Create a dedicated program (workshops, panels and activities)
  • Utilize microcredentialing
  • Provide feedback to faculty about student core competency assessment
Measures of Success
  • 100 students join the created program and attend four events annually
  • Meaningful increase of CCE exam results in five years
  • 30% of students graduate with one or more microcredentials
  • 20% of faculty report improvement in their courses annually
Resources Needed
  • Budget for the dedicated program
  • Use of microcredentialing tools like LinkedIn Learning and Coursera
  • Budget for skill development
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


1.4.1 Increase faculty teaching effectiveness assessment results in each department

  • Create teaching effectiveness sessions
  • Encourage faculty teaching effectiveness training
  • Perform teaching evaluation for each faculty member every two years
Measures of Success
  • Two teaching effectiveness presentations per semester with 75% faculty attendance
  • 10% of faculty attend teaching effectiveness training sessions annually
  • 50% of faculty undergo teaching evaluation annually
Resources Needed
  • Budget for teaching effectiveness training
  • Annual teaching effectiveness awards budget
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured every two years
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


1.5.1 Ensure meaningful increase in application-based teaching

1.5.2 Provide students with opportunities for active learning

1.5.3 Create a stable increase in internships offered

  • Utilize case studies
  • Create new opportunities for internships
  • Provide faculty training in facilitating active learning
Measures of Success
  • 5% annual increase in use of trending topic case studies
  • 10% increase in SCH produced in internship courses
  • 5% annual increase in number of new companies offering internships to our students
  • One new faculty member trained in active learning each semester
Resources Needed
  • Budget for training
  • Subscription to case sources
  • Budget for Career Services visits
  • Monitored each semester
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


2.1.1 Receive input from key stakeholders

2.1.2 Monitor ongoing market trends

  • Conduct annual survey of employers, alumni, students and business advisory board members
  • Complete external and internal analysis
  • Conduct annual brainstorming sessions
Measures of Success
  • 10% response rate for annual surveys
  • Complete annual SWOT analysis and disseminate findings to stakeholders
  • Complete an annual brainstorming session
Resources Needed
  • Qualtrics
  • SWOT analysis ad-hoc committee
  • Budget for the brainstorming sessions
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


2.2.1 Enhance communication with businesses in North Texas
2.2.2 Enhance communication with alumni
2.2.3 Enhance communication with internal stakeholders

  • Prepare a once-a-semester electronic newsletter
  • Increase the prevalence of memberships at local chambers of commerce, local economic development corporations and professional organizations
  • Conduct annual COB alumni and scholarship event
  • Organize more COB-specific events
Measures of Success
  • Positive feedback from alumni on effective communication (measured by survey)
  • At least one COB faculty/staff member at 50% of the area chambers of commerce over three years
  • Successful completion of COB alumni event annually
  • 20% increase in COB scholarship funds in five years
  • Successful completion of one COB-specific event annually
Resources Needed
  • Director of communication time devotion
  • Budget for chambers of commerce memberships
  • Budget for annual event
  • Monitored each semester
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


2.3.1 Enhance collaborative partnerships with businesses
2.3.2 Promote giving back to COB
2.3.3 Enhance the value of being an alumni

  • Engage in consulting projects with current connections
  • Host career events open to alumni
  • Organize COB Giving Day
  • Facilitate internships for COB students at alumni-owned businesses
  • Facilitate alumni networking opportunities to promote business partnerships and collaboration
Measures of Success
  • One new consulting project each year
  • Presence of recent alumni at COB-organized career events
  • $10K funds raised in annual COB Giving Day
  • One new internship each semester at alumni-owned businesses
Resources Needed
  • Center for Excellence coordination
  • Career services
  • Budget to promote COB Giving Day
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


2.4.1 Access new businesses in North Texas
2.4.2 Expand COB alumni base information

  • Establish company visits by the dean and supporting personnel
  • Attend local organization meetings (both faculty and students)
  • Engage in consulting projects or internships with new connections
Measures of Success
  • Visit 10 new businesses every year
  • Engage two new companies each year to offer internships to our students
  • Aim for a minimum of three faculty members and 15 students to join new local events each year
  • Partner with three new companies to work on projects with COB over the next five years
Resources Needed
  • Center for Excellence coordination
  • Budget for travel
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


2.5.1 Recognize faculty and staff achievements
2.5.2 Recognize student achievements
2.5.3 Promote “esprit de corps” among faculty and staff

  • Create an annual COB awards ceremony
  • Organize social gatherings
  • Send regular updates from the dean’s office
  • Celebrate success stories
Measures of Success
  • One awards ceremony each year
  • One social gathering each semester
  • 10% higher number of views/shares of COB success stories
  • Higher morale measured by climate survey
Resources Needed
  • Budget for awards ceremony
  • Budget for faculty awards
  • Budget for social gatherings
  • Communications director
  • Qualtrics
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


3.1.1 Maintain faculty research productivity

  • Ensure meeting standards are met for faculty qualifications
  • Recognize research productivity
  • Encourage higher research productivity
Measures of Success
  • 90% of SA faculty remain SA each year
  • Share research output monthly
  • Grant one research award per year
Resources Needed
  • Quality oversight committee memberships
  • Funding for awards
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


3.2.1 Promote faculty research findings to wider audiences
3.2.2 Enhance the digital presence of faculty research

  • Host research webinars
  • Create one-minute videos on selected publications
  • Create postings about faculty research
  • Demonstrate social impact of selected faculty research
Measures of Success
  • Organize one research webinar annually
  • Prepare one video for each discipline
  • Post a research paper once a month
Resources Needed
  • Director of communication time devotion
  • Funding for the webinars
  • Funding for travel to speaking engagements
  • Monitored each semester
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


3.3.1 Encourage a balance between applied and theoretical research
3.3.2 Encourage pedagogical research
3.3.3 Encourage grant applications

  • Promote multidisciplinary scholarship
  • Organize research seminars
  • Provide training in various methodologies
  • Provide grant application training
  • Encourage societal impact of research output
Measures of Success
  • One multidisciplinary output annually from each department
  • One output annually from each department with significant societal impact
  • One research seminar per semester with 75% faculty attendance
  • 50+ online viewing of each event
  • One training session annually for a new methodology
  • One grant application per department every two years
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion by research committee
  • Funding for trainings
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


3.4.1 Facilitate applied research partnerships
3.4.2 Increase research visibility to industry partners

  • Organize industry events with faculty attendance
  • Visit industry partners with faculty members
  • Promote industry-sponsored research projects
Measures of Success
  • Annual industry-academia event
  • One visit with faculty members each semester to an industry partner
  • One industry-sponsored research project in five years
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion
  • Funds for the event
  • Funds for the visits
  • Support from alumni and outreach offices
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


3.5.1 Optimize teaching practices for learners from all backgrounds
3.5.2 Support faculty development in multi-modal teaching
3.5.3 Establish faculty confidence in multiple modalities

  • Provide training opportunities for faculty
  • Increase the number of engagement opportunities between faculty and students in multiple modalities
  • Gather student feedback from learners from all backgrounds
Measures of Success
  • 10% of faculty receive annual training for effective teaching
  • Ensure three live sessions in each online course
  • Faculty to hold three virtual office hours; mandatory attendance for students at one-on-one session with faculty
  • Feedback from 20% of COB students on courses with multiple modalities
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion by teaching effectiveness committee
  • Funds for trainings
  • Funds for feedback gathering
  • Monitored each semester
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


4.1.1 Integrate current technology trends into courses
4.1.2 Provide students with opportunities to utilize new technologies
4.1.3 Provide faculty with tools and training for new technologies

  • Revamp course syllabi/objectives to include technology
  • Identify gaps in use and availability of technology
  • Provide awareness training to faculty
Measures of Success
  • Each core course to include a technology-related learning outcome at the end of five years
  • Close 10% of the identified technology gap each year
  • Three faculty members to get technology training each year
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion by curriculum committee
  • Funds for new technology gathering
  • Funds for new technology training
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


4.2.1 Improve COB’s technological infrastructure
4.2.2 Assess and minimize current gaps in availability of technology

  • Perform technology audits
  • Invest in contemporary technologies
  • Improve connectivity
Measures of Success
  • Conduct annual technology audit
  • Create annual technology plan
  • Increase internet connection speed by 10% annually in the COB building in Commerce
  • Complete one classroom update each year for the next five years
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion of the technology committee
  • Funds for technological updates for both software and hardware
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


4.3.1 Diversify funding sources
4.3.2 Enhance engagement with donors
4.3.3 Increase COB excellence funds
4.3.4 Increase engagement with alumni and area businesses

  • Launch a formal fundraising campaign
  • Encourage grant applications by making them part of faculty qualifications
  • Reenergize the Center for Excellence
  • Reorganize annual scholarship event
Measures of Success
  • $50K annual raise for the excellence funds
  • One new project with CFE annually that creates net revenue of $20K
  • Raise $5K net revenue for scholarships from the annual scholarship event
Resources Needed
  • Funds for travel
  • Funds for the scholarship event
  • Devoted faculty member to annual scholarship event
  • Funds for reenergizing CFE
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


4.4.1 Improve teaching quality
4.4.2 Reduce subjectivity in assessment of teaching effectiveness
4.4.3 Improve data quality of teaching evaluations
4.4.4 Enhance quality of teaching effectiveness assessment process

  • Create in-class polls for learning and engagement feedback
  • Create pedagogical idea sessions
  • Improve response rate on teaching evaluations
  • Organize teaching feedback sessions with faculty members
Measures of Success
  • 20% of COB courses have in-class polls annually
  • One pedagogical session organized each semester
  • 3% COB average for university teaching evaluations
  • 20% of faculty join feedback sessions annually
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion by teaching effectiveness committee
  • Funds for pedagogical and feedback sessions
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


4.5.1 Enhance overall reputation of COB
4.5.2 Increase recognition of COB’s programs
4.5.3 Enhance sense of belonging and community among COB stakeholders

  • Leverage social media
  • Create business mentorships for our students
  • Create a comprehensive marketing plan
Measures of Success
  • Social media engagement rates
  • Ten students each semester engage in mentoring sessions with industry partners
  • Impact of marketing plan
Resources Needed
  • Time devotion by communications director
  • Funds for mentoring sessions
  • Funds for marketing plan
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) annually


5.1.1 Provide opportunities for skill development in the area
5.1.2 Establish outreach programs in underserved communities
5.1.3 Provide accessible education

  • Partner with community organizations
  • Offer workshops
  • Offer equitable scholarships
Measures of Success
  • Visit one chamber of commerce event each semester
  • Organize one event for underserved communities annually
  • Visit one economic development corporation annually
  • Organize one free workshop annually
Resources Needed
  • Funds for travel
  • Funds for workshops
  • Funds for other skill development trainings
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every three years


5.2.1 Provide opportunities for workforce improvement in the area
5.2.2 Contribute to local business development

  • Partner with local businesses to provide workforce training
  • Enhance employability skills of our students
  • Offer consulting services to area small businesses
  • Provide graduates with skills needed by area businesses
Measures of Success
  • Training provided to one company annually
  • Significant improvement in our students’ resume-building and interview skills
  • Successful launch of the banking program
  • Five banking interns annually
  • One consulting project annually with an area business
Resources Needed
  • Reenergizing the Center for Excellence in the COB
  • Funding for consulting activities
  • Funding for outreach at area businesses
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every three years


5.3.1 Incorporate corporate social responsibility/sustainability in COB curriculum
5.3.2 Promote sustainable business practices in the area

  • Include corporate social responsibility/sustainability in the AOL process
  • Hold a sustainable business practices seminar
Measures of Success
  • Awareness of corporate social responsibility/sustainability to be included as a learning goal at a program level
  • One sustainability seminar organized in the next five years
  • One corporate social responsibility/sustainability-related study published by COB faculty every three years
Resources Needed
  • Funds for the seminar
  • Corporate social responsibility/sustainability champions
  • Time devotion by the curriculum and AOL committees
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every three years


5.4.1 Educate the stakeholders to make financially sound decisions
5.4.2 Educate the stakeholders to make ethical decisions

  • Provide financial literacy training to COB stakeholders
  • Provide ethics training to COB stakeholders
Measures of Success
  • 50 students/staff/area businesses/alumni receive financial literacy training annually
  • 25 students/staff/area business/staff receive ethics training annually
Resources Needed
  • Funding for financial literacy training
  • Funding for ethics training
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every two years


5.5.1 Provide opportunities to our students, faculty and staff to be socially responsible citizens by giving back to our society

  • Organize annual giving back event
  • Support participation in contributions to various community organizations
Measures of Success
  • Number of students, faculty and staff participating in the giving back event
  • Substantial contributions to local food banks, clothes closets, children’s homes and nursing homes
Resources Needed
  • Funds for travel
  • Volunteers
  • Funds for the giving back event
  • Monitored annually
  • Measured annually
  • Revised (if needed) every three years

Risk Analysis

Risks have been identified by the Strategic Planning Committee considering the probability and impact of each occurrence. The Committee identified the risks below, proposed mitigation/contingency plans, and related them to specific activities and initiatives in the strategic plan geared at addressing those risks accordingly.

Risk DescriptionMitigation ActionResponsible PartiesRelated Initiatives
Declining enrollment and increased external competition in the area

Likelihood: High
Impact: High
Severity: High
Increase recruitment efforts

Implement dual credit courses at Dallas location

Increase engagement with students to increase retention

Increase quality perceptions of our programs

Engage a comprehensive marketing plan
COB Leadership, Recruitment Coordinator, Student Support Services1.1, 1.2, 4.5
Lack of stakeholder engagement

Likelihood: Medium
Impact: Medium
Severity: Low
Increase alumni reach out

Enhance communication with external and internal stakeholders

Engage in company visits, consulting projects and creation of meaningful connections with industries
COB Leadership, Director of Communications, Faculty and Staff2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 2.5
Decline in state funds

Likelihood: Medium
Impact: High
Severity: Medium
Launch a fundraising campaign (create a giving day)

Create opportunities for giving back

Facilitate grant applications and consulting projects
University and COB Leadership, Director of Center of Excellence, Advisory Boards, Faculty and Staff2.3, 2.4, 3.4, 4.3
Lack of industry relevance

Likelihood: Medium
Impact: Medium
Severity: Medium
Enhance industry connections

Gather feedback from the business and student advisory boards

Promote faculty expertise in industry

Better utilize indirect measures

Create more experiential learning opportunities for students

Embrace AI
COB Leadership, Faculty, Advisory Boards1.3, 1.5, 3.4, 5.2, 5.3
Gainful employment expectations

Likelihood: Low
Impact: Medium
Severity: Medium
Increase our students’ skillset

Increase experiential opportunities

Offer microcredentials in addition to core competencies

Implement financial literacy education

Better utilize direct and indirect measures to make curriculum decisions
COB Leadership, Student Support Services, Faculty, Senior Career Services Coordinator1.3, 5.1

Contact Us

  • P.O. Box 3011
  • Commerce, TX 75429-3011
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