2. Create a MyWCOnline Account
The East Texas A&M Writing Center uses WCONLINE to bring all the benefits of a face-to-face session to you wherever you are. Begin by creating an account so you can have access to available appointments.
Once you have clicked the “Register for an account” link, a new page titled “Register for a New Account” will load.
Begin filling out the information using your ETAMU email address and Campus Wide ID (CWID).

Once you have filled out the form and answered all of the questions, click the “Complete Registration” button at the bottom of the page. Now you are successfully registered! You will then be redirected to the login page, where you can login and make your first appointment.

If you'd like assistance in making an account or a live tutorial of the online tutoring platform, you can visit us in person (103 Talbot Hall), call (903.886.5280) or email ([email protected]).